Chapter 20

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Boss POV

"Well, did it work? What happened?" The tips of my fingers traced lightly over the rim of my glass as my subordinate spoke to me over the phone, I could practically hear is knees knocking together, what a pathetic creature.

"Well, it did work, I- I mean the bomb went off, but Wooyoung wasn't in the van, in fact only Seongwha was there and he- he is...." The bumbling idiot stopped immediately when he heard the sound of a glass smash followed by my frustrated growl echoing down the phone line.

Bracing my hands against the desk in front I gritted my teeth and spoke again, trying desperately to reign in the undying anger inside. "Just- don't let me ever see your face again, do you even Have any idea what his family has done to me, the pain-" no one understands, no one has ever understood and no one ever will. 

But that won't stop me son, even if it hurts.

I'm at the point of no return.

Yeosang POV 

I had been thinking it through for the past 20 hours and the more I did, the more likely it seemed to me. My legs took me straight to Hongjoong, I cannot speak a word of this to anyone until Hongjoong agrees and has come up with a plan. 

I stopped in front of the briefing room, surely enough he was there, replaying the CCTV footage for the last 2 hours over and over and over again. The CCTV footage for the mission we had just returned from, or more like the failed mission we returned from. It is rare that Hongjoong ever loses his cool over something. However whenever I tired to contact San and Seongwha there was a faint ticking, I couldn't quite understand why it was there, but when I figured out it was a bomb and told Hongjoong, from what I saw through the camera on Yunho's jacket, Hongjoong had never been more panicked in his whole entire life.  

"Hongjoong, can I have a moment, it's quite important otherwise I wouldn't be bothering you." He only jumped slightly at my sudden intrusion before reaching a hand up to rub the nape of his neck, in that moment I felt I was supposed to say something to him, anything to make him feel less, well, depressed. I never know what to say, to anyone, my words are not exactly warm and fuzzy. So I've learnt to keep my mouth shut unless I was criticising or mocking someone, however recently I've found myself trying to be more empathetic towards people, more specifically towards the 7 other people I have spent most of my life with, struggling to spit out the right words and right now with Hongjoong is one of those situations. 

"Have you found anything yet, on the footage, a clue as to who placed it" he grunted a quick no before I continued, "Hongjoong it really wasn't your fault, if anything I should've spotted it earlie..." "Yeosang just tell me what you actually came here for." He stopped me mid sentence, a small sense of disappointment at myself washed over me at the choice of words I used that he clearly did not approve of. 

I cleared my throat in awkwardness before continuing. "I wanted to tell everyone about my suspicion, but there is no way of me to prove it unless..." "Unless what Yeosang..." Hongjoong sat up now, elbows propped against his thighs, I continued "unless Wooyoung is unconscious." You would think Hongjoong would call my crazy at this point but he didn't even bat an eyelash, instead urging me to continue. So I did.

"Ever since Wooyoung has returned I can't help but notice things, little things. Like how he always used to dress fully in his mission clothes the morning of any mission, but this morning he came to breakfast in tracksuits. Also, the fact I had to remind him to wear his mask when he exited the van today, not something the Wooyoung we know would need to be reminded about. Then there is the way he has been treating everyone. Wooyoung has always been closed off to others but recently he's been almost aggressive if we even tried to converse, especially to San..." 

"And San had always been the one he has been the most open too." Hongjoong finished my train of thought, "your right Yeosang, its almost as if someone is..." 

"Controlling him" this time I finished his sentence for him. "I think I know how he is being controlled, and if I'm right then, we only have so long until Wooyoung completely loses control." "How are they controlling him Yeosang," Hongjoong questioned, looking just as disturbed as I was when I thought this whole idea through. 

"Well, yesterday, just before the mission I saw something on the back of his neck, a small incision, only about 2cm long, almost impossible to see. However when Wooyoung was chained up they were only ever torturing him from the front, so I though, how the hell did he get cut right in the middle of the back of his neck. After doing some research I realised that it would be the perfect place to implant a blackout chip, seeing as it is at the top of the spine, closest to a bundle of nerves connecting to your brain. A Blackout chip is something, once again, invented by the White Blood clan only, that can be used to control a person, for some time the user will have only a minor control over that person, only at certain times as it takes a while for the programme to really take a hold. But when it does, 

that person will be gone, 

It is most commonly used to kill there enemies, without having to get any blood on their hands whatsoever."

Hongjoong let it all sink in for a moment, fingers massaging his temple before he suddenly spoke, re gaining my attention, 

"so we need to get that thing out of Wooyoung before he ends up losing control and killing all of use."

I nodded.

"How is Seongwha now?"

"Asleep, that's why I came to talk to you."

"Where is Wooyoung?"

"Also asleep."

"Good" he said, then stood up abruptly, unfazed buy everything and i cocked my head to the right in confusion, "why is it good?"

"Because I need a drink before everything goes to shit."

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