Round Four - Part 2My head is like a ticking volcano. As time slowly dwindles by, my thoughts continue to build up momentum until they hit a boiling point and just erupt out of me.
"Okay, I'm not the only one who thought that was weird, right?" I speak up, unable to contain myself.
I can almost choke on the tension which is so thick that I could probably slice through it through my sword. But it's too late now to turn back.
"I remember meeting the guy before the Games started. He was so nice.....I was actually worried for him because of how nice he was. I thought he wouldn't stand a chance."
Asher keeps walking, clearly unfazed.
"I don't know....I mean these games can really mess with people." Asher shakes his head with a small shrug, "They bring out the worst in yourself and can turn even the nicest people into monsters."
He steps over a large rock in the path. "It's just how it goes."
Kyla, stop overthinking it.
Asher's right.
"Yeah, no. You're probably right."
We continue to trek through the woods in a comfortable silence.
My mind unconsciously mulls over everything that has happened these last few weeks and the huge burden I now carry on my shoulders.
To say I am stressed out would be the understatement of the century.
I'm snapped out of my brooding stature as a bug hovers in front of my face. I nonchalantly swat a hand at it until it goes away and don't think anything of it.
That's until it comes back and flies in my face again, buzzing around until settling on my neck. I irritatedly slap at my neck and squash it, but am taken aback at the size of it as I watch it fall to the ground.
Curiously, I bend down the examine it. My face scrunches up with a mixture and disgust and confusion as I take in the unusual looking thing.
"What kind of mosquito is this?" I turn over my shoulder to look at Pax, "I've never seen anything like this before."
He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and bends down next to me to examine it, his brown curls falling over his forehead as he does so.
"I don't think this isn't an insect....." He carefully picks up the squished bug off the floor and holds it up in the center of his palm, ".....This is a robot."
He lets out a small breath of air that manifests his astonishment.
"Just look at the surface area." He holds it out for us to see. It's metallic structure glistens in the sun, "This is titanium."
So not a mosquito....
A tiny little robot created by god knows who to do god knows what.....
Never a dull moment here, huh.
"But it bit me!" I push my arm out towards him, motioning down to the welt on my arm.

The Last Victor
Teen Fiction"They tell you that inside the enclosure's walls is the safest place in the world. But little did we know it'd be the most dangerous." ***** After a disease breaks out across the globe, killing over 90% of the human population, the government create...