Chapter 41

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The Revelation - Part 2

Have you ever heard the saying, "Don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders?"

My dad would say this to me all the time growing up.

He would repeat this so often, he actually told Danny and I the story behind it's origination.

It came from Greek mythology.

Zeus, the King of the gods, was very angered when he found out that a group of people called the Titans waged war against the Olympians. The Olympians were the other gods. As punishment, Zeus chose one of titans named Atlas, and condemned him to hold the heavens on his back.

The purpose of this was to separate earth and heaven, which would prevent the two from mixing.

Nowadays, many people misinterpret this story and believe Atlas holds the world on his shoulders. Regardless of whether he carried the weight of heaven or earth, the weight must have been very great.

So when someone says to hold the weight of the world on one's shoulders, it means to be burdened with too much responsibility for a single person.

But now that saying holds a whole different meaning to me.

Because now I am quite literally carrying the world on my shoulders.

It's dead silent. Nobody is moving. Nobody is breathing. Jaws are on the floor.

If I thought it was bad before, the tension has since quadrupled.

The air between us is so thick that you can slice through it with a sword. I can barely breathe through it.

I felt frozen. Like someone took a remote control to my body and hit pause.

Everyone looks on at me, waiting for my response with bated breath.

I fight the urge to hunch my shoulders and hide.

But all I can do is stare back at them and mirror their expressions. I am trying to remember how to breathe, how to speak. But there is too much pressure on my skull for me to even try.

In a haze I push myself up to my feet, my body taking control over my mind.

"I'm going to get some water." I say, trying to keep my voice from quaking.

I can feel their stares burning holes into my back as I turn to leave. My feet lead me away from everyone and deeper into the glades as my brain struggles to catch up.

Before I know it or can even register it, I'm standing in front of a small stream.

Shakily, I bend down over the stream and cup my hands together, splashing the cold water in my face.

The coolness soothes my hot skin, stealing all of the excess heat from my face.

I glance down in the water at my reflection staring back at me. My face is soaked as drops come together to run into my eyes and drip from my chin.

From the outside I looked fine.

Like a normal, healthy teenage girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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