Chapter 10

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Let The Games Begin - Part 2

I wheeze as my burning lungs gasp for air. My lungs felt like they would burst and my throat was so uncomfortably dry it was to the point where I was struggling for a breath.

I start to pump my arms, quickening my pace to an all out sprint.

I can hear the pounding noise of someone running behind me, each step sounding closer and closer.

All I knew was I had to keep running forward.

I couldn't let them catch me.

My legs feel numb and unsteady, painfully sore. I was also vaguely aware of a stinging coming from the bottom half of my left leg.

The warm humidity of the air didn't help as well, making me feel sticky and suffocated. My shoulder length brown hair and clothes clung to my form, no different than if I was running through a rain-storm.

I look around me to find something....


All there was were trees and woods continuing on for as long as I could see.

My heartbeat quickens and I start to panic, the footsteps behind me becoming increasingly louder with no where to go.

I'm trapped.

I keep running, further and further, desperately looking around for an escape.

Suddenly, I feel the ground underneath my boots give-way. A small gasp leaves my lips as my arms flail as I begin to tumble down a hill, twigs scraping past my face whilst entangling their way into my hair, until hitting hard against forests bottom.

I lay there, feeling lifeless, as pain sears throughout my whole body.

Slowly, I try to get up but quickly realize how futile it is when I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lances through my head and colorful spots flash in front of my eyes, it feels like my whole body has been beaten and every movement causes some muscle or bone to ache.

I lift my hand to my thumping forehead and back down the see my palm filled in a red liquid.


Regardless, I needed to get out of here...away from them.

I look around trying to make out where I am. Everything is a haze, the forest and all of its colors spinning around in a thousand different directions.

Through my blurred vision, I can make a person slowly walk up to me until they're standing over my body.

My heartbeat pounds loudly, echoing in my ears.

They bend down next to me, and that's the last thing I remember before all feeling in my body drains away until everything turns black.

30 Hours Earlier....

Everything after the weapon selection so far has been a haze.

The guards gathering us up.....

Bringing us downstairs to the gate.....

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