Chapter 38

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Captured - Part 3


Burning rage hissed through my body.

Pure....and uncontrolled....... rage.

The pain I was in didn't even matter because my anger had completely consumed me.

I never thought someone could feel this.....this irate.

This was a new even for me.

I get angry. A lot.

But this was different.

He crossed the line when he threatened Reyes.

And I wanted to kill him.

Actually kill him.

I want to stand over his body and watch him bleed to death while he cries out in excruciating pain.

I watch him from across the room, my eyes burning holes into his soul.

Jett tosses his halberd back and forth in his hands, throwing a fake frown my way. "Why the long face, buddy?"

Frustration tightens the muscles in my back and shoulders. I clench my hands, struggling to control my temper.

He rolls his eyes humorously. "Oh, c'mon now! Don't get your panties in a twist."

My lips thinned.

Get it together Kaiden. You're stronger than this. You've got to wait for the right moment.

He raises an amused brow with a half chuckle. "Silent treatment, huh?"

He shrugs his shoulder, unfazed.

"That's fine. The easier it is for us to listen to your girlfriend's screams."

Fury infused me. I strain against my shackles with gritted teeth. "I'll kill you."

He reels back and throws his hands up in mock-terror. "Oh, please no! I'm so scared! I'll do anything, just please spare me!"

He leans his head back and lays a hand over his forehead dramatically.

"You think this is all a joke? You think you can just mess with people's lives like this?" I lean forward, staring at him in disgust. "Just you fucking wait. You have no clue what's coming to you."

"Oh Untouchable.......You see, that's where you're wrong. This is a joke. It's one big game! And in order to win a game, you have to start playing."

He pushes himself off the wall and lowers his head, striding over in slow, calculated steps.

"You know the game chess, yeah? The way I like to see it is that we're all playing pieces. As a player, you have to make smart and calculated moves in order to advance. You have to take the other pieces out." he gives a small shrug of his shoulder, "You're time was coming to be taken out. All of you and friends were. Might as well be sooner than later."

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