Chapter 23

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Infected - Part 2

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

I groggily sit up from my bed and rub my eyes, trying to see through blurred morning vision at who the hell is banging on our door. Next to me, Kaiden pushes himself up with a groan, clearly as exhausted from last night's events as me.

Pax opens the door and strides into the room with a towel wrapped around his face, covering everything on his head but his eyes.

"Rise and shine!" he starts, his voice coming out muffled from behind the towel.

You've got to be kidding me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Really Pax?"

"What do you— oh!" his hand travels to his hand and touches the towel, "I don't mean to be rude but I have to take all the precautions that I didn't have a mask I could wear."

Asher cautiously walks into the room after him with Ace right on his tail.

Asher looks me over, giving me a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Hey Ky, how you feeling?"

He moves to walk towards me but Ace grabs ahold of his shoulders, pulling him back to him.

"Woah there tiger!" he pats Asher on the back while shaking his head, "We've already got two in quarantine, lets not get ahead of ourselves here and make it three."

Asher hangs his head a little bit in frustration and gives him a taut nod in response.

Unconsciously, I reach down to scratch my leg. I don't think much of it, the feeling similar to something like a mosquito bite, and it seems to subside every time I give it an itch.

"But really....." Pax turns to me, examining my body up and down, "How are you doing?"

"I feel fine." I answer him, "Besides my side being a little sore, I honestly feel pretty good for someone just bit by a fricken roamer wolf."

I unthinkingly reach down to itch my leg again.

Pax nods his head at me thoughtfully. "And you Kaiden?"

Kaiden's head pops back up in response, his face still half asleep. "What?"

Pax raises a brow at him.

".....How do you feel?"

"Oh, um, fine I guess." he answers, sinking back down to the floor.

I start to scratch my legs harder, the irritation increasing to the point where my skin feels like it's on fire.

What the hell.

"I have to say though." I speak up, scratching my leg more urgently, "My legs are kind of itching a little."

Unbearable at this point, I hastily throw the covers off of the bed to reveal my legs.

Running diagonally down my legs are a series of saucer-shaped welts. Each one is unnormally large and they cover both legs completely, flaring up in colors of bright red and purple contuse.

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