Captured - Part 1My head throbs. The pain feels like someone has taken a knife to my skull. Squeezing my eyes shut, I will the pain to go away. The rest of the world feels detached, for all I can concentrate on is the pain rooted deep in my head.
With much effort, I open my eyes to the dimly lit room. The room is unfamiliar and almost completely empty. Though it is daytime, the thick drapes cast a darkness around us. I squint, dry mouth sticky with thick saliva and let out a small moan of pain.
My brain struggles to recover or remember the last couple of hours........or however long it's actually been.
Distantly I can hear my name being called, demanding that I answer.
The voice sounds angry.
No— it's worried. Worried that I'm not answering.
".....Reyes wake up......"
I shake my head, straining to come out of my daze. "Hmm?"
I blink my eyes a couple of times, my head spinning through the pain.
"Hey, hey, it's okay."
I glance over to my left at the voice and meet the soft, blue eyes I've grown to know so well. Kaiden's eyebrows are creased together with an undefined worry.
"Jesus.......Thank god you're okay."
Through my hazed vision, I'm vaguely able to make out the open split down his bottom lip along with a gnarly gash running across the side of his forehead, receding into his hairline.
"What happened?" I look around disoriented, "Where are we?"
I try to stand up but am pulled back by chains binding me to the chair. My wrists throb from the tightness of the ropes wrapped around them.
"What's going on?"
"Hey, hey, calm down. Keep your voice low or they'll hear you."
"Hear me? Who are you—"
A chill steals through me at the all too familiar and dreaded voice. The door slams open loudly, and into the room strides Jett.
He pulls up the blinds and sunlight pours through the windows.
I wince and turn my head away, momentarily blinded, as my eyesight struggles to cope with the daylight.
"These things really do work wonders, huh?" He snickers as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out one of the tranquilizer darts he used to knock us out, "You guys were out like babies! Guess that advantage from round one did come to pay off..."
He saunters over with the most sickening gleam in his eye. The corner of his lip tugs up into a crooked smile.
"....Cause you're mine at last......" Jett looms closer and grabs my chin, "I've been looking for you for quite a while."

The Last Victor
Teen Fiction"They tell you that inside the enclosure's walls is the safest place in the world. But little did we know it'd be the most dangerous." ***** After a disease breaks out across the globe, killing over 90% of the human population, the government create...