Chapter 40

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The Revelation - Part 1

We buried Otis's body outside in a field of flowers next to a quiet ravine.

I thought it was quite fitting for his spirit.

I mourned for him. For his brother. For his family. For everyone affected by these wretched trials.

I didn't know Otis long, but I know that he didn't deserve any of the pain that he went through.

No one did.

Trials or no trials.

Bruised, bloodied, and exhausted, the group decided to set up camp early for the night.

We found a spot next to a stream a couple miles away.

We didn't have much supplies. Most of it got lost after we were kidnapped. We were using the last items that Arabella, Ace, and Pax had brought.

The sun has just begun setting as we all sit around the campfire, savoring the heat. By the looks of it, it is going to be a cold night.

Kaiden goes to stroke the fire, which is now burning brightly.

It feels nice to be back with everyone. But the group is abnormally quiet. There is no denying that there is an underlying tension that everyone has avoided addressing.

There were too many unanswered questions.

And I knew that they all circled back to me.

Arabella is first to break the silence.

"So what happened after Ace and I left?" she casually tries to make conversation, glancing around at all of us around the fire pit.

Kaiden doesn't look up from where he's sitting and continues to sharpen his knife against a rock. I, too, stay quiet, definitely not being the right person the answer this question.

" and I laid low at the casino for a few days. Ky woke up not long after." Pax finally speaks up.

There's a pause.

"Then we were unconventionally chased by killer bees.......and then we jumped off a cliff into the rapids........where I almost drowned." he continues. "Then we regrouped with Kaiden after he tried to murder Kyla.....only because he was stung by the bees.....right before Jett kidnapped them."

I meet Kaiden's eyes, flickering from the light of the campfire.

Arabella stares at Pax for a minute with a finely arched eyebrow, mouth agape in disbelief. She shakes her head as she tosses a stick into the fire. "I shouldn't have even asked."

Asher and Ace rejoin the rest of us at the campfire.

"We'll be eating good tonight!" Asher grins proudly, dropping a stack of fish Ace and he caught down by the stream in front of us.

I raise an amused and questioning eyebrow at him. "You caught those?"

He reels back at the question.

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