Part One

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I also made a spotify playlist for this story series! It is under 💚🖤 on spotify!!

All credit to the Harry Potter is to J.K Rowling! I've only come up with a few characters and changed the story line! I do NOT own the plot or characters! Only my own stuff!

''Come on Ny let's get going. You have your things.'' Severus Snape said to his daughter, Nyah as they left Diagon Alley. The slight smell of booze as they passed the Leaky Cauldron, Nyah breathed it in deeply

She walked along her father, trying to keep up to his pace, avoiding the stares and whispers.

''Ah Severus, I see you're letting your daughter attend Hogwarts. I can see you talked Dumbledore into letting her start her 3rd year with everyone her age.'' A man with long blond hair said, walking over to Nyah and her father.

''Yes I am. Going into 3rd year at my first year at Hogwarts.'' Nyah said to the man.

''Is that so? Well Draco it seems you might have some competition in Slytherin.'' The man said as a kid Nyah's age appeared from behind him. He was a very cute young boy, he looked troubled to Nyah. Severus laughed and put an arm around Nyah's shoulders.

''And who's to assume I'm in Slytherin. What if I'm a Hufflepuff?'' Nyah smirked at him.

''You're blood to the Slytherin house. Look who your father is.'' The man looked down at her.

''So? I'm a half blood.'' Nyah rolled her eyes.

''A muggle born mother and pure blood father.'' Nyah looked into his cold eyes.

''Nyah.'' Severus glared at his daughter who was charming him with her eyes, she was now beside him. His eyes still on hers, him too intrigued to realize she was about to slip his watch off his hand.

''Oh please I would've given it back.'' Nyah huffed.

''She will be meeting her brother for the first time in 13 years.'' Severus said quietly.

''She could be very useful, he could use her well.'' The man who Nyah now presumed to be Lucius Malfoy, the man who meets with father some nights.

''I would want nothing more than her to come with us. I'm leaving that to the years to follow though. If she has no interest then I will not make her.'' Severus said to him.

''With the influence of the Slytherin house there will be no choice for her.''
Lucius said, almost angered.

''She will always have a choice. I'm not raising her like you do Draco. I respect it greatly but Lily-''

''Always back to Lily. Severus think about it.'' Lucius interrupted Severus, glaring daggers.

''Nyah why dont you and Draco go for a walk. I expect you back in twenty minutes.'' Severus looked at Nyah.

''Okay dad.'' Nyah looked up to Draco. He stuck a hand out.

''Draco Malfoy.''

''Nyah Snape.'' I said shaking his hand, for some reason it gave her shivers, just his touch.

''So you're Nyah Snape?'' He asked. He seemed bitter.

''No really?'' She said sarcastically. If he's gonna be rude then so is she.

''No need to be rude.'' Draco rolled his eyes.

''Says you! You have no kindness.'' Nyah snapped.

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