Part 4.5

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''Either way Hermione. Why does it matter what Draco talks about?'' Nyah yawned as her and Hermione sat in the library.

''Well I'm just curious.'' Hermione defended.

''He talks about goes much he hates mudbloods. Good?'' Nyah smirked.

Hermione hit her arm and Nyah was about to punch her as a reflex but stopped herself.

''Y'know one of these days I'm gonna accidentally punch you.'' Nyah laughed and laid down on the floor.

''Accidentally.'' Hermione air quoted.

''It would be an accident! I wouldn't intentionally hit ya unless you did something to me.'' Nyah shrugged.

''Why don't you just use your wand.'' Hermione glanced to Nyah's knee high sock that had her wand in it.

''Because that's the easy way out.'' Nyah shrugged again.

''Why don't you change out of those robes. You're always wearing em.'' Nyah asked.

''Why don't you wear you robes all day?'' Hermione asked.

''Because I rather be wearing jeans, leggings, a shorter skirt, shorts, pajamas, a hoodie, a tee shirt, just anything else.'' Nyah shrugged again.

''You're literally wearing the most expensive leggings brand I know a green pair of leggings to be specific, a pair of knee high black socks, a black crop top, and a leather jacket!'' Hermione exclaimed.

''I have good taste.'' Nyah said simply.

''Now tell me about those muggle things. The things you use to communicate.'' Nyah looked at her.

Hermione raised an eyebrow, ''A mobile phone?''

''Ah that's it!'' Nyah nodded.

''Well most people say the brand Apple is better than Samsung. You can message anyone you'd like, you can get different things on it that you can use to text people. My favorite app is duolingo. I learn other languages off it.'' Hermione smiled.

''They sound weird. How many galleons are they?'' Nyah asked again.

''Well they're actually getting them here in the wizard world soon.''


''Yep! My mother wouldn't let me bring mine though. She said I should just stick to letters.''

''I love writing letters. It's just stress relieving.''

''Makes sense. I do have a question about Draco though.''

Nyah groaned, ''Go on.''

''What does he wear to bed?'' Hermione asked like it was the most common thing to ask.

''Huh!?'' Nyah spat her water.

''What does he wear to bed?'' Hermione repeated herself.

''Uh his boxers...'' Nyah said slowly.

''Only his boxers?'' Hermione's eyes lit up.

''Mhm.'' Nyah mumbled and put a book over her head.

''I'm so tired and I dont know why!'' Nyah groaned.

''Then go to bed.'' A charming British accent said from above her.

''Draco.'' Nyah tried to kick his legs.

''Nyah.'' He smiled down at her.

''Go away Malfoy.'' Hermione sneered.

''You wish mudblood.'' Draco looked at her in disgust.

''Well I'll leave you two to your bickering.'' Nyah rolled her eyes and got up.

She stood up and bent her knees, both cracking loudly.

''Ew!'' Hermione exclaimed, disgusted at the cracking coming from Nyah's knees.

Nyah rolled her eyes and grabbed her books. She made her way to the entrance and exit of the library. She sighed and walked to the stairs.

''Nyah! Wait up!'' Draco shouted and caught up to her.

''Yes?'' Nyah asked him and continued on her way.

''Well I need to finish an essay for potions and I was wondering if you wanted to do yours with me. We could go work in the common room or find an empty hallway.'' Draco asked.

''I'd love to. Let's find a hallway though. The people in our house drive me insane.'' Nyah rolled her eyes and followed Draco.

They soon found a quiet and empty hallway. Nyah sat against the wall beside Draco and pulled out a book to write on, a piece of parchment, her quill, and ink.

They were to do an essay on Amortentia and what you smelt.

Flashback to class that day


'Okay I want everyone to come up here one by one and take a quick smell. This is Amortentia, it is the love potion. You will take a whiff of it then describe what you smell. Into a line everyone.'' Severus said to his class and they all made a line.

''A famer's field, roses, and butterscotch.'' Someone said and slowly went back to their seat.

''Uh the quaffle, galleons, and is that broomstick?''

''Lemons, nature, and sea water.''

Soon enough it was Draco's turn.

''Mint, strong mint, the forest, and green apples.'' Draco gulped and looked to Nyah. She looked down in a fluster, mint. The only smell of mint in the entire castle was her. Her shampoo and conditioner.

Nyah gulped again and put a smirk on her face as she smelt the Amortentia.

''Cologne, very expensive cologne, a wood burning fire, gasoline, and home.'' Nyah kept her smug smirk on her face while she blushed. Her father gave her a smirk and raised an eyebrow. He knew it was Draco, everyone did. It was obvious, he was the only one in the school who wore expensive cologne.

Flashback over

''How do we even start this essay!?'' Draco groaned.

''Just describe what you smelt and why you think you smelt it.'' Nyah shrugged.

''Basically your father wants to know who we fancy.'' Draco laughed.

''Pretty much.'' Nyah laughed and sighed.

''What did you smell?'' Nyah asked.

''Mint, the forest, and green apples.'' Draoc shrugged.

''Go into detail about it.''

''You first.'' Draco smirked.

''Fine, I smelt expensive cologne, a wood burning fire, gasoline, and home. I believe I smelt cologne due to the boy I fancy, his smell intrigues me. I probably smelt a wood burning fire because I love fire, its mysterious and cryptic. The gasoline because I adore the smell, and I ever so badly want one of those motorcycles. Then home because I love home. It's where I'm safe and where I'm with my family. Well my father.'' Nyah elaborated.

''Well I smelt mint, I think I smelt it because of the girl I fancy. Her hair is the nicest smell. Then the forest becuase I grew up surrounded by it. I'd always run around in the forest when I was a child. And I still do fly around in it. Then green apples, I have no idea why in the world I smelt them but they are my favorite food.'' Draco laughed. 

''Fair enough.'' Nyah smiled.

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