Part Two

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''Nyah!'' Severus shouted up the stairs of his home. He walked back around through the living area and into the kitchen.

''Oh lord.'' He yawned as he placed eggs onto a plate with toast, and bacon.

''Nyah Blake!'' He shouted again, not hearing footsteps. Her full name is Nyah Blake Snape. He and Lily were originally going to name her Noah Blake Snape but decided to go with a  more feminine name. Alot of people pronounce it wrong though, it's sounds like Ni-ah. The 'y' sounds like an 'a' and the 'ah' just sounds like the French 'a'. Simple?

''Nyah Blake! Don't make me late.'' Severus shouted again. He was already packed and ready to go to Hogwarts. Nyah had packed her things two evenings ago.


''I'm right here dad.'' Nyah laughed and interrupted him.

Severus smiled, ''Sleep well?''

''Not too badly.'' Nyah shrugged.


''Very well. Breakfast is on the counter. I've got to go get something out of the back room.'' Severus smiled, trying not to give away that he had something for her.

Nyah raised an eyebrow and nodded. She walked over to the counter in the kitchen and grabbed her plate. Her and her father hardly ever sat at the table to eat. They'd usually just sit at the island seeing it was just the two of them. Unless it was a holiday, then they'd sit at the table.

''Holy hell. This bacon is good.'' Nyah muttered and stuffed her face with the rest of the bacon.

''Mmmm.'' She groaned in delight.

''Nyah?'' Her father questioned as he dusted himself off and walked back in.

''Yes?'' She replied and wiped her lips with a napkin.

''Well seeing you're an amazing flyer, and you do enjoy watching quidditch. I decided to buy you a little gift.'' Severus smiled.

''Your mother would've wanted her daughter to have the best going to Hogwarts. She'd be very proud of you.'' Severus smiled and grabbed his wand.

He took it and soon enough there was a wrapped parcel in his hand.

''For me?'' Nyah asked and walked to him.

He nodded and smiled.

She quickly tore the wrapping paper and it revealed a brand new Firebolt broomstick.

''Dad!'' Nyah smiled brightly.

''You like it?'' He smiled.

''I love it! Thank you!'' Nyah shouted and hugged him tightly.


''See you at Hogwarts.'' Nyah smiled and stepped into their fireplace.

''London train station!'' She shouted, oh how she hated travelling with floo powder.

She saw the train and almost dropped her things. I'm actually doing this, I'm going to Hogwarts. She thought to herself. She entered the train and looked for an empty compartment. No luck, damnit!

''Nyah Snape.'' A voice said causing Nyah to turn around quickly.

''Draco Malfoy.'' Nyah smiled slightly.

''Come sit. It seems you dont have anywhere else to go.'' He said to her as they were the only two left without somewhere to sit. Nyah nodded and followed him.

''I know you're not a kind person Draco. Why are you being kind to me?'' Nyah asked him as they sat down.

''You're different. You don't see me as my father. You see me as me. Now please dont ever make me say that again.'' Draco said simply. Nyah nodded slowly.

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