Part Seventeen

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''Nyah!'' Harry screamed as she sprinted to the shrieking shack. She sprinted under the whopping willow.

Harry, Ron, and Nyah grew somewhat close. Nyah lived to fight and her godfather had just taken Ron. Everyone else didn't know it was Sirus, she did. It was obvious. Same with the rat, that's Peter Pettigrew. They can transform into animals. Nyah had gotten the truth out of Professor Lupin when she stole a thing of liquid luck from her father.

Her feet hit the ground loudly as she ran after them. Her breathing off completely.

''What the hell do we do now!?'' Harry yelled at Hermione.

''I saw it! Where the hell is my girlfriend!?'' The one and only Draco Malfoy screamed at the two, his blond hair messed up and he looked panicked.

''She went after the dog! The dog that has Ron!'' Harry shouted back worriedly.

''Fuck why does she run after things that could kill her!?'' Draco yelled to no one in particular. He was wearing black pants, a black skin tight shirt, and a light hoodie.

''Dont tell me she ran after the dog.'' Cedric shouted as he came out aswell, wearing sweatpants and a tank top.

''She's Nyah Snape, what else would she do!'' Hermione rolled her eyes.

''Oh lord she's wearing my favorite hoodie too.'' Draco laughed. Everyone looked at him and he gave them a dirty look.

''So we have five third years and a sixth year. Two of which are gone.'' Cedric sighed and looked at them.

''We've got to go through.'' Hermione looked at the tree.

''Are we all going to go!?'' Harry shouted as a branch came flying down.

''I'm not leaving my girlfriend with him!'' Draco shouted and ran to the base of the tree, to the entrance.

I've got to do this. I have to get to her. Draco thought to himself as his feet left the air, jumping over a branch.

''Ah!'' Draco screamed and only just made it to the entrance way.

''Fuck I'm not letting you guys go alone.'' Cedric sighed and ran through. Come on Cedric, jump! He screamed in his mind. He finished at a sprint and made it to where Draco was.

Harry and Hermione looked at eachother scarily.

''Nyah run!'' Ron screamed as Nyah stepped foot into the shack.

''I don't run from my fears, I face them head on.'' Nyah shouted and went straight up to the dog that was growling at her. Her wand out, ready to attack.

''Reveal yourself. I know who you are.'' Nyah growled, staring into it's eyes.

''Nyah!'' Draco yelled as the four others rushed in.

''Draco! Stay back!'' Nyah screamed at him, not breaking eye contact with the 'dog'.

Harry slowly made his way up to her and the dog.

''It's not a dog, Harry.'' Nyah spoke loudly.

''That it certainly is not.'' Professor Lupin said as he walked in.

''Lupin!?'' Everyone but Nyah shouted.

''Show yourself Black.'' Nyah growled once more.

''Black?'' Harry questioned.

''It's our godfather, Harry.'' Nyah snarled.

''The man who snitched to Voldemort! The reason why our mother and your father are dead!'' Nyah shouted angrily, everyone silent.

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