Part Fifteen

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''Hey!'' A cheerful voice yelled from behind Nyah. She smiled recognizing the voice and turned around.

''Cedric.'' Nyah smiled and hugged him. He hugged her tightly and lifted her up.

It's now late November at Hogwarts and everyone is doing okay, well everyone expect the two blonde Slytherin's.

''So you done your weekendly moping around the castle?'' Cedric teased her. She was wearing black jeans, a black crop top, a black zip jacket that was quite expensive, and black running shoes.

''Not yet. It's only been two hours.'' Nyah joked. Cedric laughed and put an arm around her shoulders.

''It's been four days Nyah.'' Cedric looked down at her.

''I'm trying Cedric. You don't know how hard this is.'' Nyah sighed, it's now Sunday.

''I'm not pressuring you or anything. I'm just saying lets get you out of your all black and put you back into badass Nyah Snape mode.'' Cedric smiled as they continued to walk.

''I could break your wrist right now, that badass enough?'' Nyah smirked.

''Go back into Slytherin queen mode.'' Cedric laughed.

''Knowing who they call their king, never.'' Nyah said blankly.

''Right now, go walk up to Hermione and slap her. Let it out, you've held it in now just let go. We already dyed her books multiple colors. '' Cedric motioned at Hermione who was standing with Harry and Ron.

''Y'know what, I'm going to do it. It's the only way I'll let it go. You're right. I'm going to fucking slap her.'' Nyah smirked and walked over to her. Cedric followed her, a proud smile on his face.

Nyah marched over to Hermione and pushed her brother and Ron out of the way.

She slapped her hard across the face, easily leaving a mark.

''That's for ruining my relationship.'' She hissed. Nyah smirked triumphantly and walked back to Cedric. The entire school had just witnessed it, Nyah Snape's back.

Nyah out an arm around Cedric's shoulders, hardly reaching.

''Thanks for making me do that.'' She smiled at him.

''No problem.'' Cedric smiled back. The two walked through everyone happily. Nyah was back.

''Nyah!'' A voice called. She turned around, letting Cedric's arm fall.

''Yeah?'' Nyah called back. A stunned Harry and a stunned Ron appeared.

Nyah sighed and muttered a curse word under her breath.

''Yes?'' She sighed.

''You hit her! You bloody bitch!'' Ron shouted at her.

''Oh shut it Weasley. Didn t mommy teach you not to swear.'' A voice with an accent that made Nyah melt called from behind them.

Then she zoned back in to what was happening. ''Draco!?'' She snapped. As soon as snhe turned around ready to punch, there was no one there.

''Chicken shit.'' Nyah growled under her breath. She turned back to Ron and sighed.

''She deserved it.'' Nyah rolled her eyes.

''How did she deserve that!? You left a giant red mark!'' Ron exclaimed waving his hands in the air.

''Oh calm down Weasley.'' Nyah shouted as she left. Cedric followed her as she went to the Black Lake. She shouldn't have left the castle, with her godfather on the loose and the dementors. The lake was frozen solid. She muttered something under her breath and she soon had a pair of skates in her hand. Cedric raised an eyebrow at her as she put them on her feet. She stepped onto the ice happily. She skated alot back home.

''Come on C.'' Nyah called.

''I hate this lake. We all know what lives in it.'' Cedric muttered as he met her on the ice.

''Oh I'm sure you'll be out here someday. Maybe swimming with the mermaids one day.'' Nyah laughed and grabbed one of his hands.

''Oh please, I'm smart. I'd never go in here. Unless the circumstances were great.'' He smiled and took her hand, they goofed around and skated.

''One day I'll be in this lake, I know it.'' Nyah thought out loud as Cedric pulled her by the hand on this ice.

''You're going to commit suicide!?'' Cedric exclaimed.

''No! I just have a weird feeling.'' Nyah sighed.

''Fair enough. You gonna put your name in the goblet of fire next year?'' Cedric asked her.

''Of course! Father will probably kill me but I'm definitely going to.'' Nyah laughed.

''Sometimes I wonder how you're in Slytherin. Then I remember how you treat most people.'' Cedric shook his head with a laugh.

''Most people don't deserve my kindness.'' Nyah smiled and headed back off the lake as it was almost dark.

''Fair enough.'' Cedric agreed. Nyah nodded and hugged him tightly.

''You're my bestfriend, y'know that?'' Nyah kept her arms around him.

Cedric smiled brightly, this girl was like a little sister to him. She made his day just by being happy. But he didn't find her attractive in the sense of dating. She was obviously gorgeous but he liked another girl.

''You're like a little sister to me. You're my bestfriend too Ny.'' Cedric smiled and hugged her back. She was rather short so he rested his chin on top of her head.

They stayed there for a few minutes, just holding eachother. Nyah was happy to know that she finally had someone to trust. Someone to fall back on.

''We better head back. We've got classes tomorrow.'' Nyah smiled and knelt down to untie her skates. She did that without noticing four folded papers falling out of her pocket.

Cedric noticed the papers and quickly grabbed them, noticing his name on one of them. He tucked them in his pocket and got his skates off.


''Night C!'' Nyah shouted and blew him a kiss as she walked down to the dungeons.

''See you after classes Ny!'' Cedric shouted back. He made his way back up to the Hufflepuff dormitories. He had to read that paper.

He tapped the barrel and went through. He smiled at his friends and quickly told them he was going to bed. It was quite late so they didn't question him. He smiled and set the papers on his bed as he got changed. He put on a pair of shorts and a tank top as he crawled into bed.

Dear Mother.
Dear Cedric Diggory.
Dear Harry Potter.
Dear Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Huh? Cedric raised an eyebrow. He opened the letter addressed to him aloud,

''Dear Cedric Diggory, We both know I'll never become this emotional and open in person so I thought I'd tell you how much you mean to me in writing. Though I hope to god this letter will never be in your possession. You've helped me through so much more than you'll ever know. Everything with Draco Malfoy. From the party to everything with Hermione. And not hating me after I was a crazy girl in quidditch. You saved me, it's safe to say it. You saved me for all I can say. You picked me up from rock bottom. I know that as long as I'm friends with you I'll always have someone to go to, someone to rely on. And I'll do the exact same for you. You ignored my bumps and rough edges, unlike the rest of Hogwarts. Even though it's my own fault. You're an amazing person, Cedric. Don't ever forget that, ever. Lots of love, Nyah.'' Cedric smiled as he finished the letter. That girl was his bestfriend.

He read the other three letters and knew what he had to do. Give them to the people their adressed to. Or in the letter to her mother give that one to Professor Snape.

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