Part Five

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Through the next month Draco and Nyah grew much closer, the two becoming insperpersble. Nyah grew close with Hermione Granger. Though her and her brother would not speak to eachother.

''Oh please, I'm much better at quidditch. I'm Slytherin's seeker.'' Draco snapped at Goyle.

''Enough bickering, you're worse then the Weasley boy and Hermione!'' Nyah yelled at the two nimrods.

''Now you're coming with me.'' Nyah said grabbing Draco'z wrist.

''I am not.'' Draco stood in his place.

''Come on dumbass.'' Nyah rolled her eyes and dragged him to the hallway.

''Yes Nyah?'' Draco asked.

''Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmade this weekend?'' Nyah asked him nervously, she was planning on getting her nails done but wanted to hangout with him afterwards.

''You could've asked me in there y'know. I would love to but I was wondering if you'd like to come to Malfoy Manor this weekend?'' Draco asked her. She dropped his wrist and stared into his eyes.

''Malfoy Manor?'' She clarified.

''Yes, my home.'' Draco smiled.

''I'd love to! Are we even allowed to just leave though?'' Nyah asked.

''Well it'd be from Friday after classes then we'd be back Saturday morning.'' 

''I'll send an owl asking my father. But I'd love to. Wait do your parents even know who I am?''

''Yes, you're Snape's daughter and my closest friend.'' Draco said walking back into the common room.

''Friend.'' Nyah sighed, the word burned hearing it come from him. He'd never like a half blood like me. I'm just a friend. Nyah thought to herself depressingly.

''Nyah?'' Her father's voice called from the left of her.

''Oh, hey dad.'' Nyah tried her best to smile.

''What's wrong?'' He raised an eyebrow and lifted her chin with his finger, seeing if she was hurt.

''Nothing, I do have a question though, may I go to Malfoy Manor with Draco this Friday?'' Nyah asked hopeful that he'd say yes.

''Yes you may. Lucius wont be there anyway.'' Severus said as he walked away, Nyah assumed he was going to his storage room. She khappily went back into the common room and sat beside Draco on the couch.

''Quidditch this year, we must beat Gryffindor. They got us the past few years because of stupid Potter. At least now we have his beautiful twin sister, that's gotta count for something.'' Goyle said winking at Nyah.

''Gross, never ever going to happen. Go kiss a dementor. You'll have better luck with one of them.'' Nyah smirked devilishly.

''A dementor kiss kills you.'' Goyle shuddered.

''I could too, what's the difference?'' Nyah said confidently, she raised an eyebrow and tilted her head the slightest bit.

''Enough!'' Severus growled as he came into the room.

''Everyone to their dormitories for the rest of the night.'' Severus yelled and everyone groaned. Nyah huffed as she got up.

''I was having fun.'' She muttered under her breath.

''No not you Nyah, you too Malfoy.'' Severus said and the two backed up.

''Yes sir?'' Draco asked him.

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