Part Nine

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''Congratulations, Nyah Snape you're the first girl to make it on the quidditch team. You're one of our beaters.'' The captian said and they made their way out to the pitch. It's now November 3rd, the quidditch season commenced.

Nyah smiled and looked at Draco who was looking at her proudly.

''We have the same team as the past two years.'' The captian continued.

''We must best Potter and the Gryffindor's this year.'' He demanded.

''Now Snape has, sorry Professor Snape has booked the pitch for us to use for three hours. We'll probably be out here every other day or every third day.'' He looked at everyone.

''And finally, Nyah you're a damn good flyer and you're strong as hell so we're trusting that you'll knock your brother off his broom a few times.'' He smirked and everyone was off.

The chasers practiced their passing and throwing as Nyah, Draco, and the other beater floated on their brooms.

The other beater had left, leaving Draco and Nyah.

''Ugh, why so I always get stuck with you.'' Nyah rolled her eyes sarcastically.

''You love me, you can't deny it.'' Draco laughed.

''No I cant.'' Nyah smiled at him.


''See you all back in the common room!'' A guy yelled to everyone who was left in the locker room. Which happened to be Nyah and Cassius Warrington, a chaser.

''So you and Malfoy?'' He asked coming up to her.

''How's it any of your business?'' Nyah asked with an eye roll.

''Oh come on, queen.'' He smirked at her.

''Its weird when people call me that to my face.'' Nyah shot and put her things in her bag.

''What about princess then? Or is it only Malfoy who calls you that?'' He smirked again. Little did the two know that Malfoy was standing against the wall, listening to what they're saying. He was coming to see what was taking Nyah so long but heard them talking. He peered into the locker room and watched their actions.

''He'll be the only one to call me that. And wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you.'' Nyah growled attempting to walk away.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, ''And how ya gonna wipe it off?'' He questioned smirking.

''Like this?'' He pulled her to him, sloppily kissing her. She tried to pull back but he lined her against the lockers.

Nyah kneed him in the balls and looked at him in disgust, ''You dirty little mudblood, bastard, piece of shit.'' Nyah shouted and punched him in the nose. He wasn't a mudblood but it was a spur of the moment insult.

''I fucking dare you, touch me again and it'll be the last thing you ever do.''' Nyah growled taking her bag and walking away. She rushed out the back door, opposite to the one where Draco was. She leant against the wall and slowly let herself drop to the ground.

''I-I'm so sorry.'' She cried softly to no one. She knew Cassius was going to tell everyone and say ''Oh yeah, we made out in the locker rooms.'' He and Pansy were the only ones who dared to defy her. Though Pansy stopped that days ago.

She couldn't believe she was crying. She was never this soft.

Nyah was never this vulnerable, only when it came to Draco.

Speaking of who, just turned around the corner and saw the girl he loved sitting against the building crying. His heart shattered, he knew what had happened. He had just beat the shit out of Warrington.

''Nyah, princess.'' He rushed over to her and held her tightly. His knuckles bloody from punching.

''It's not what Warrington said, he lied! He pulled me by my wrists an-''

Draco cut her off by kissing her, the kiss was soft and wholesome.

Draco slowly pulled away, ''I saw what happened, trust me he wont touch you again.'' He looked at his hands.

Nyah just launched herself into his arms. ''I love you Draco, I'd never do that to you.''

''I know you wouldnt, I wouldn't do that to you.'' He said as she buried her head in the crook of his neck. He had never seen her this emotional.

''Come on, let's head inside.'' He smiled and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her through the passageway into the castle.

''Nyah! Is she okay?!'' Hermione demanded at Draco as they passed her.

''Yes she's alright. I'm sure she'll tell you about it later. Mudblood.'' Draco said, saying the last part extremely quietly causing Nyah to chuckle.

''I hate when you call her that. Yet I find it funny.'' Nyah muttered into his shoulder.

Draco laughed and they continued down the hallways.

''Y'know a smile can't change the world.'' Draco kissed Nyah's cheek.

''But yours can change mine.'' He smiled and she blushed, he even felt her face heat up.

''You're too good to me.'' Nyah blushed even more.

''I'd do anything for you.'' He smiled and reached the portrait.

''You want go in?'' He asked her, he buried his head in her minty blonde hair.

''Library?'' She suggested, she didn't want to have to deal with all the drama. Draco nodded and kissed her cheek.

''I can get down you know.'' Nyah laughed and tried to wiggle out of Draco's hold.

''I know, but I like this better. Everyone can see you're mine.'' Draco smiled at her again. So she stayed in his arms and they reached the library. The time only being 3:39 pm. They found a table at the far end of the room, away from everyone else. Draco sat in a chair, Nyah sitting on his lap now.

She went to get up but he pulled her back down by her waist.

''I want you with me, after what happened I'm not letting go of you.'' He said and pulled her into his tight hold.

''I never want to let go.'' Nyah smiled into his shoulder. Draco started to place soft kisses down her neck. Soon they heard footsteps entering the library, alot of mumbling aswell.

Though the two teenagers in love continued, not caring what others saw. Their reputations were high, no one would say a word to them. Nyah still couldn't believe people were calling her the Slytherin queen. Draco was used to it though, being thought of that highly. He is a Malfoy.

''Nyah Snape? Sorry to interrupt but I must speak with you.'' A voice said and Nyah turned to see Dumbledore. Then another head popped out from behind him, Potter.

''Oh um yes, of course.'' Nyah sighed and got off Draco who was shooting glares at Harry.

''I'll see you back in the common room.'' Draco said as he got up aswell, he kissed her cheek and left.

''Miss. Snape, Mr. Potter come with me.'' Dumbledore said as they walked to his office. Nyah glared at Harry and he did the same to her.

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