Part Thirteen

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Nyah looked up to him and he wiped her tears.

''Where do I start.'' Nyah rambled, she looked at him sadly. He gave her a reassuring smile. Hufflepuff's really aren't that bad. If only she was calm and kind. Maybe she'd have fallen for the strong Cedric Diggory, not the sly Draco Malfoy. Draco fucking Malfoy.

''A day before classes started I met Draco in Diagon Alley with his father. I thought he was misunderstood and I gave him a chance. The next day, on the train I was with him throughout the entire dementor thing. He held me the entire time when I could hardly think or breath. There's always sexual tension between us. We always want to touch eachother, just to hold eachother, just to know we're eachothers. We just got closer and closer, me always keeping him out of trouble but us usually getting into it. Everything about him I find intriguing, his additude, personality, family, body. Just everything! It's frustrating!'' Nyah shouted the last two sentences.

Cedric put a hand on her thing to calm her down and she continued.

''Then, the night of the party we did the unexpected/expected. He kept me close all night with the Sirius Black stuff. Then after Warrington got touchy with me he beat his ass. He was very protective of me no later what. Always protecting me.'' Nyah got lost in her thoughts.

''Nyah.'' Cedric looked at her thoughtfully.

''Sorry, then today Warrington and his little gang approached Draco and I in the hall. They started yelling all those things and the truth came out, I guess.'' Nyah sighed and leant her head onto his shoulder.

''I hate being vaunarable.'' She sighed deeply.

''How did you know it was Hermione?'' He asked her.

''Well I assumed it from the beginning. Just the way she'd always talk about him, then ask about him. Or how she had that troubled, orgasm look on her face when he'd call her mudblood. She loved it, all of it. That's why I already have my revenge planned.'' Nyah smirked devilishly.

''How'd you figure out it was her who out the gang up to it?'' Cedric asked as he peiced that together.

''Well one night I borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak and followed her. Harry was watching from the Marauders Map.''

''His what and the what now?'' Cedric asked alarmed.

''Hey, not my fault. It needed to be done.'' Nyah laughed.

''I still can't believe it. He was using me.'' Nyah sighed and looked at the ceiling.

''You don't know that for sure.''

''Yes I do, did you not hear what they were saying?''

''I did, but you have to talk to Draco.''

''I don't want to talk to Draco.''

''You're going to have to.''









''Ha! Got you.'' Nyah smirked proudly.

''You look like Malfoy with that smirk.'' Cedric laughed. Nyah dropped her smirk instantly.

''Oh stop!'' Cedric shoved her slightly.






''Holy hell, you're extremely determined.'' Cedric said to her. She'd never step down or stop.

''I'm aware.'' Nyah smirked. Cedric laughed and shook his head.

''Y'know it's dinner now right? We kinda just missed all of our classes.'' Cedric said worriedly.

''We'll be fine. I'll just say you fainted and I took care of you.'' Nyah said as she got up.

''That I fainted!?'' Cedric exclaimed.

''Yup.'' Nyah nodded and walked backwards so she was facing him.

''Nyah turn ar-" Cedric tried to stop her. It was too late though, she was now fallen over on top of Draco.

Nyah glared and brought her fist back, ready to punch.

''Snape, Malfoy!'' Professor Mcgonagall yelled. Nyah dropped her fist and got up.

''What's this all about!?'' She exclaimed.

''Nothing Professor, nothing at all. Nothing ever again.'' Nyah growled, not breaking eye contact with Draco. Everyone was silent, they all knew what she meant.

''You'd never mean that.'' Draco looked into her eyes.

''I mean it, I'll never not mean it. You broke me Draco.'' Nyah glared and walked away. She went straight to her father's office.

''D-dad?'' She knocked on the door.

''Nyah? Are you alright?'' He asked as he opened the door.

Nyah looked him in the eyes and he saw the hurt. The hurt he had in his eyes all those years ago. Though he knew her's wouldnt end like his. He wanted to erase her mind, make her forget the hurt. He wanted that look out of her eyes. He couldn't though. He didn't want her to forget love. How she was loved, how she loved.

Nyah launched herself into her father's arms, her only safe place.


"Goodnight dad. Thank you for everything tonight.'' Nyah smiled and left her father's office.

She slowly made her way to the Slytherin common room. Her stone cold look on her face. 

''Misfortune.'' Nyah muttered to the portrait. She slowly walked in, stopping as soon as she passed the entrance way.

Everyone looked at her and she looked at them. Her eyes went from Pansy, to Warrington, then to the cloudy gray ones of the man she loved. She dropped her stare when she met his eyes.

All the Slytherin's dead silent as she walked to her dormitory.

Nyah cleared her voice before she went in the door. ''If you have anything to say, say it to my face. I'm not tolarating any bullshit so fucking try me.'' She growled and went to her bed.

She grabbed her clothes, gathering them in a pile and took a towel. She made her way to the showers.

She slowly let the soap go along her body, not wanting to think. She had a blank mind, no mind. No thoughts at all. She lathered the shampoo through her hair, memories of her and Draco cane to her mind. The tears running down her face unnoticeable.

''Fuck love.'' She muttered broken. Why did she do it. Why in the fucking world. Why did she fall in love?


About a week later

''And how are you not going to get caught?'' Cedric rolled his eyes.

''Now look, they'd all suspect you stealing Hermione's books and dying them but never would they suspect me.'' Cedric put on a smirk.

''Are you smirking!? Wait are you going to do something bad!? Holy hell!'' Nyah shouted and jumped into his arms.

Cedric laughed and nodded.

''You're my bestfriend of course I'd break the rules for you.'' Cedric smiled.

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