Part 8.5

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Fred Weasley's POV

''Come on!'' George shouted at me, I was watching Nyah Snape. Oh how she gets my stomach in a knot. Who would've thought, I like the bad girl that's my brother's age.

Her hair, her long blonde hair. Her lips, their natural shade of light pink. Her hips, how they sway when she walks. Everything about that girl is captivating me.

Harry Potter's POV

''Harry!'' Ron shouted at me.

''Yeah?'' I called back with a sigh.

''Did you hear!? Rumour is your sister and Malfoy did IT!'' Ron laughed as he sat in the common room with me.

''That's disgusting.'' I shook my head. How does she like or 'love' such an asshole. He's a Malfoy! Terrible people they are.

''We all know you'd want to with Choo.'' Ron laughed and nudged my shoudler. Oh if only he knew. I don't like Choo. Or well I'm stuck between two girls per say.

One with her beautiful ginger hair, the other with her jet black hair. I don't have time for girls though. No sir.

Quidditch, Sirius Black, and staying out of trouble. That's all I need to do. Oh lord I'm me, trouble always finds me no matter what.

Cedric Diggory's POV

''What?'' I ask my friend Hannah Abbott as she paced around me.

''I need to stop liking him!'' She sighed and took her wand out, she placed it towards her head.

''I hate having crushes.'' She slowly lowered her wand.

''Don't beat yourself up about it. It's just a crush.'' I laughed and went back to my book.

''Just a crush!? I like the most unpopular guy in school! I mean that doesn't matter at all to me but everyone's going to judge me-"

''Calm down Han. I'm sure Neville likes you too. You're a smart and beautiful girl.'' I smile at her. She nods and sits beside me.

''Any luck with Slytherin queen?'' She smirked.

''I don't have a crush on Nyah.'' I roll my eyes. Nyah is a confusing young girl. I want to befriend her though, she needs a true friend.

Pansy Parkinson's POV

''He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not-''

''He loves you not. Get it through your small head Pansy. Draco loves Nyah.'' Goyle rolled his eyes at me.

''Well- uh, um you don't know that for sure.'' I shot back uneasily. I'll never agree to the fact that he loves her nor likes her.

''We all know the rumour, they fucked. You don't have a chance Pansy.'' Goyle shook his head.

''But she- I- He-'

''Stop wasting your breath.'' He rolled his eyes.

I looked down and walked away. I'm a waste of space, a terrible Slytherin.

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