Part Sixteen

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''Alright, I will be assigning partners for this project. It will be going by top grade marks. Lets see.'' Severus said to his third year class. He grabbed a list of names and sighed as he saw Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and Nyah Snape as top of the class. Nyah 1st, Hermione 2nd, Draco 3rd, and Harry 4th. He couldn't put two sets of enemies together, he also couldn't put his daughter and the boy she hates together. He couldn't put Hermione and Draco together either becuase that would piss Nyah off and Hermione would gawk over him the entire time. He couldn't put Nyah and Harry together because Nyah would probably try to slip him a death potion. Ugh! He screamed internally. Nyah is going to kill me he sighed and thought to himself.

''Snape and Malfoy, Granger and Potter, Weasley and Parkinson, Longbottom and Goyle,-'' Severus called out the names.

Nyah chocked on air when he said she was to work with Draco.

''Uh sir, must I work with Nyah? She-'' Nyah cut Draco off by slapping him in the back of the head, she was sitting behind him.

''She's violent.'' Draco finished his sentence.

''You can handle her, I have for almost 14 years.'' Severus gave them a look.

''Alright so this potion will take a week to make so this will count for a big part of your grade. Understood?''

Everyone nodded.

''Alright, class dismissed.'' Severus sighed and everyone got up.

Nyah gave her dad a big smile as she left, Severus returned the gesture and continued at his papers.

Severus sighed and grabbed the folded paper adressed to Lily. Cedric Diggory had given it to him, saying it was written by Nyah and that he should read it. Nyah and Cedric were very close, the two practically inseparable. Nyah would so anything for him and he'd do the same. It was more of a sibling love though, not like her and Draco.

He slowly unfolded the parchment, not knowing if he wanted to read it or not.

He slowly read the letter aloud, ''Dear mother, Oh how I wish you were here. It's Nyah, your only daughter writing to you. I just don't know what to do any longer. I'm sure you know what's happened with Draco. I know you're there, I'm sure you and James watch Harry and I. You keep us safe. James isn't my father and probably hates me for all I know but I know I haven't been alone some nights. Some nights I feel your presence. I just want to be able to open my eyes and see you. Oh how I hate love. I told him I love him and he broke me. This letter is going to be very scrambled, I'm sorry. I don't understand how I can do all that for him, be myself around him, be vaunerable in front of him, just drop my guard and he was lying the entire time! Feelings are terrible. They make us believe everything is okay, everything will always be okay, then it does something like this! Love, I detest that word. Oh the meanings to it are endless. Enough about that. Harry and I are getting along. He and I are very close actually. I trust him and a boy I met, Cedric Diggory. They're the only friends I have here. I've only really made enemies. Harry has a crush, mom. He fancies a Weasley girl. Her name is Ginny, Ginny Weasley. She's the girl he rescued from the Chamber of Secrets last year. Then Cedric says he doesn't fancy anyone but I don't believe him. I think he has his eyes on Choo Chang. Shes' a Ravenclaw in my year. She's quite smart and very beautiful. I wish I had the smarts of her. I dont know what to do. Father is always helping me but it seems he isnt telling me as much as I need to know. Then Sirius Black is on the loose. He went after Harry! On Halloween night! I was with Draco and we-. Not important. Is he a bad guy? Everyone speaks ever so lowly of him. I don't believe it though. If he was a friend of you and James then he mustn't be like that. And the Mauderurs map, oh I love that thing. The odd thing is I'm always seeing a Peter Pettigrew on it. I thought he was dead. I went searching for him not long ago and it was just Ron Weasley. He's the boy who fancies my worst enemy, Hermione Granger. She- ugh I cant rant about her enough! The things she has done! Oh my Merlin! Then there's Professor Lupin, I don't understand him. Though he has told me he was a friend of you and James. I've spoken to him many times, I respect him very much. Anyways, I know you'll never be able to read this but I had to write to you. I love you mom, I always will.
With love, Nyah.'' Severus dropped the paper and ran a hand through his black hair. What now?


''Nyah bloody Snape!'' A charming voice shouted as she made her way to the great hall.

''Cedric bloody Diggory!'' She shouted back and continued walking. Soon enough there was a large amount of weight on her back and her hands instantly went to hold it's legs up.

Cedric laughed as Nyah was now carrying him on her back.

''Y'know you're quiet strong.'' Cedric laughed and kissed her cheek as a friendly gesture.

''Oh I know.'' Nyah smirked with a laugh. Everyone in the halls was watching the two. Nyah soon made her way into the great hall and all eyes were on them. She walked to the Hufflepuff table and dropped Cedric off.

''Very good service, 10/10.'' Cedric laughed and gave her a silver sickle out of his pocket.

''Why thank you.'' Nyah laughed and put it in her own pocket. She left and made her way to the Slytherin table, a stone cold smirk returning to her face.

She sat alone, everyone looking at her either scared or lovingly. Draco being the one looking at her with a mysterious, loving glare. Everyone else looked scared, terrified.

She ate a simple lunch and drank two glasses of pumpkin juice. She'd much rather a scotch but juice would do. She grazed her hand along the wooden fishies of her seat. Hogwarts was pure beauty.

Nyah found it funny how she didn't really care about blood type but had only managed to make pure blood friends. Or well friend. She needed to make more friends, gain a few followers even. She only needs one true friend.

''Nyah!'' A accent called that made her melt.

''Draco.'' She growled, she tried to put on her tough look though it didnt work.

Draco came up to her a mysterious look on his face, looking her deeply into the eyes. He grabbed her hands and she knew what he was thinking.

It wasn't true. All the things Warrington's gang said were false.

''Kiss me.'' Draco said breathlessly.

Nyah smiled and leaned into his soft lips. The kiss was passionate and healing. Mending what had happened.

''Well well.'' A voice chuckled from behind them.

''Oh stop it.'' Nyah blushed at her father who smirked and shook his head.

''The letter, Cedric gave it to me. I know he wasn't supossed to have them but I love you. I love you too, more than you'll ever know.'' Draco smiled and kissed her again.

Nyah decided not to go and shout at Cedric, instead to keep kissing the boy she loves.

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