Part Twelve

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Nyah smiled up at Draco as they worked in potions, they were to make the living death potion. They weren't supposed to learn this potion until later but Nyah was happy to make it.

Nyah was taught by her father a long time ago on how to make it. She laughed as Draco struggled with the Sopophorous bean.

''Bloody hell!'' Draco exclaimed as the bean bounced away.

Nyah laughed as she put hers into the cauldron.

''How in the world!?'' Draco muttered confused as she smirked at him.

''Its simple, crush it, dont cut it.'' Nyah laughed.

Draco raised an eyebrow, ''It says-''

''Oh Draco, just listen to the girl.'' Severus rolled his eyes as he walked by.

Draco sighed and tried it. He crushed the bean and it worked.

''Told ya.'' Nyah teased.

''Yeah, yeah.'' Draco muttered.

Nyah smirked and continued with hers.

''Done, professor.'' Nyah called out as she finished. Severus walked over to her and examined her potion.

''With ease I must add.'' Nyah smirked at everyone who had gathered around.

''Well done, now is anyone else finished?'' He asked everyone shook their head.

''Almost, sir.'' Drack said as he finished his potion.

''20 points to Slytherin, for two excellent draught of living death potions.'' Severus announced and walked back to the front.

''Snape, Malfoy you two are dismissed, everyone else you have the rest of the period to finish or detentions will be given.'' Severus spoke as he sat down.

Nyah and Draco smirked as they left.

''Now don't make me regret my actions, stay out of trouble.'' He looked at the two.

Nyah had a smug smirk on her face, ''Promise.''

Severus shook his head with a small smile, ''And no funny business.''

''Yup.'' Nyah called as they left the class.

''So whatcha wanna do?'' Nyah asked as she walked to the common room entrance.

Draco looked at her, a huge smirk playing on his lips, ''Well-''

''No funny business.'' Nyah interrupted, trying to sound like her father.

Draco burst out laughing at her impression.

''Ah I should be an actress.'' Nyah laughed.

Draco just watched her, a smile on his face. He had to make her his, officially. Her blonde hair bouncing up and down as she jumped through the halls, her stupid facial expressions when she laughed, her smug smirk that he adored, her edgy yet expensive sense of style, her sly jokes, her weird personality that could beat anyone else's, the way she stood up for herself, her strength, how she can be so happy through all the shit she's went through, just everything about her amazed Draco.

''What if Voldemort's gone and everyone is hallucinating?'' Nyah wondered aloud.

''He's back Nyah, trust me. Even if he's just taking form in other people.'' Draco sighed.

''I know, I know, I just wish he wasn't.'' Nyah sighed and looked up at him.

''Someday he's going to want us to join him.'' Nyah grabbed Draco's hand and buried her head in his chest.

''I know, he'd go for me before you. I'm sure he'd let you go free if I went.'' Draco held her tightly, gently swaying side to side.

''I'd never let you do that alone.'' Nyah said seriously.

''I'd never let you go.'' Draco copied her seriousness.

''We still have what, two years until?''

''Two years. Next year's the triwizard tournament. Hogwarts is hosting.''

''I want to do it.''

''Never am I going to let you put your name into the draw.''

''Never am I going to let you join the death eaters.''

''I won't have a choice.''

''Then I wont either.''



''I love you, princess.''

''I love you too, baby.''

''Sit with me.'' Nyah smiled and sat against the cold stone walls of the dungeons.

Draco smiled and sat with her, ''I don't know what I'd do without you.'' He said and laid his head in her lap.

Nyah smiled and played with his hair.

''You're everything and anything for me.'' Draco looked up at her.

''Same to you.'' Nyah kissed his forehead.

''So, are you staying here over Christmas holidays?'' Nyah asked him.

''You bet, darling.'' He smiled up at her.

''Who would've guessed, Draco Malfoy going soft for a girl.'' A voice yelled out and Draco jumped up.

''I have not!'' He shouted back.

''You fancy her!'' Another voice yelled and Nyah got up.

''Oh it's lil' miss Snape. You just want to pass potions! Using her to get to her father? To be able to tell your father all about their family secrets!'' Another voice laughed.

Nyah looked down, ashamed of herself. Draco really was using her, wasn't he? Nyah turned around to leave him, head down.

''Nyah!'' He looked at her hopelessly.

''Don't, Malfoy.'' Nyah walked away. Hearing the laughs in the distance.

Nyah fell to her knees as she reached one of her father's supplies rooms.

She unlocked the door and sat against it in the room. Crying like it was the end of the world. Though to her it was the end.

''Why am I so stupid!?'' Nyah yelled not caring if anyone heard.


It was now lunch and she was going to skip until Hermione met her in the halls.

''Nyah?'' Hermione asked concerned.

''Go away mudblood.'' Nyah growled.

''I know you don't mean that, what's wrong?''

''I fucking mean it Hermione! Enough of this act! I know it was you who put those boys up to it! It was you who got them to spill all that on Draco! Because you like him!'' Nyah shouted angrily.

''I'm not fucking stupid mudblood. Trust me I'll get you back for it. Now leave before I fucking murder you.'' Nyah shouted as someone pulled her back.

''Nyah, what the hell is that about?'' A soft, Cedric voice said pulling her out of the crowd that formed around them.

Nyah looked up at him, her stone cold facial expression still there. ''Why do you give a shit Diggory!?'' She spat.

''Cut the act.'' Cedric said calmly.

''The hell are you talking about?'' She growled, voice breaking.

''Cry, it's not illegal. Let it out Ny, I'm here for you. I won't tell a soul that the Slytherin queen has cries.'' He smiled down at her softly. They were now in a random hallway away from everyone.

''I'm sorry.'' Nayh began, she was about to tell Cedric everything.

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