Part Eighteen

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''It can only take three people, Nyah you're coming with us. Draco, Cedric go to the Astronomy tower and see Sirius. We'll meet you there.'' Hermione said as she took something out of her pocket.

"Nyah!" Draco shouted as Hermione put something on their shoulders.

"I love you Draco." Nyah smiled as she vanished.

Draco sighed and looked down, ''She better be safe.''

"She's Nyah Snape. She doesn't know what safe means." Cedric sighed and put an arm on his shoulders.

"I don't trust Harry or Hermione. Something's up, I know it." Draco sighed.

"She's the most powerful witch of her age, of all the wizarding world even. Her and Harry both have half of you know who's power." Cedric said, eye level to Draco.

''It scares me, how much power she has.'' Draco looked down.

''She's my bestfriend, I know what you're talking about.'' Cedric sighed.

''She loves you y'know.'' Cedric looked at him.

''She loves you too. You mean alot to her.'' Draco smiled slightly. It was overly hard for him to say that. He hated saying that Nyah loved other guys, even if it was as friends.

''I wish it was easier for her to trust. There's still so much that she hasn't told me." Cedric sighed.

"She's been through alot more than you think." Draco looked up at the sky full of stars. Thinking about everything, how she has you know who's power, how she has the scar on her wrist, how she can use her scar to give other people power, to give them her strength, how she can easily save people's lives with her scar and easily take them at the same time. The amount of power that Nyah Snape has exceeds Harry's, it exceeds his, it exceeds Cedric's, it exceeds her father's, it could even exceed Voldemort's... When he's at full strength. Her father knows it but he'll never tell her. He doesn't want her to overthink it and hurt herself.

"Diggory? Malfoy?" Sirius Black questioned as the two arrived at the astronamy tower, at his cell.

"They'll be here soon, Nyah, Harry, and Hermione.'' Draco said to him as he raised his wand.

"Bombarda!'' Draco shouted. The door went flying off.

"Who would've thought, a good Malfoy." Sirius shook his head with a huge smile playing on his face.

Draco's smug smirk on his face changed to a small smile. ''Nyah has that effect on people.''

''She gives respect to the people who deserve it.'' Cedric added, the three stood and waited for the other three.

''She's a mean bitch when she wants to be.'' Draco smirked slightly.

''Of course you find that attractive.'' Cedric rolled his eyes and looked at him.

''Oh please boys, boys, badassness is very attractive in a woman.'' Sirius laughed and put his hands up in defence.

Cedric and Draco looked at eachother then to Sirius as they burst out laughing.

''I like-''

''Kind, loving, soft, smartass, Ravenclaws.'' Draco interrupted him.
Cedric gave him a dull look and burst out blushing.

''What about Harry, who is he dating?'' Sirius asked.

''Oh he likes Ginny, Ginny Weasley.'' Cedric smiled.

''Remind me to never trust you with my secrets.'' Draco huffed at him.

''Oh please you only trust Nyah. She's the only person you trust, the only person who knows the real you.'' Cedric looked at him, giving him the mom look.

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