Part Eleven

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Nyah laid comfortably in Draco's arms, in his bed in his dormitory. It was early in the morning, the two still catching their breath. All the other Slytherin boys gone to breakfast for two or so hours, door locked, really their only time alone.

''How does that keep getting better each time?'' Draco questioned as Nyah traced his muscles. Nyah blushed at his question and put her head up to kiss his lips. She ran a finger along all the fresh marks she had made on Draco's skin. As he did the same to her.

Nyah and Draco slept together most nights, no one saying a word due to Draco's threats. And in the mornings when everyone went for breakfast would fuck if they pleased, just sleep in, or on the odd day actually went down to breakfast.

No one had heard much more about Sirius Black lately but the dementors were still driving everyone insane. More or less just Harry and Nyah.

''Whatcha thinking about?'' Draco asked her as he played with her hair.

''What if we never met that day in Diagon Alley? This never would've happened.'' Nyah responded and pulled the covers up.

''Fate, destiny, chance whatever you want to call it.'' Draco laughed and peered down at the girl he had yet to call his girlfriend. He knew they were reserved but they hadn't put a label on it.

''True.'' Nyah smiled.

''We have a quidditch match today.'' Nyah sighed.

''First one of the season.'' Draco added.

''Against Hufflepuff.'' Nyah remembered.

''Ooo I get to see girl magnet Hufflepuff dude again. Maybe he'll be ready this time.'' Nyah joked, mocking what Draco had called him at the party on Halloween. Draco glared down at her.

''You know I'm kidding, baby. I only have eyes for you.'' Draco leant his head down and kissed her forehead.

''I think you should wear a tank top onto the pitch, show Diggory that you're mine.'' Draco smirked.

''Hey same goes for you. Gotta show all those broom bunnies what belongs to me.'' Nyah smirked back.

''We should probably get dressed, before everyone comes in.'' Nyah sighed.

''True, can you pass me my clothes? They're on your side.'' Draco laughed.

Nyah smiled and passed him his pajamas. Nyah put her black lace bra and underwear on and watched as Draco got dressed. Her eyes roaming his body.

''Like what ya see?'' Draco smirked at her.

''Maybe.'' Nyah laughed.

''Oh you love what ya see. You want more of what you see.'' Draco smirked and walked over to her, pulling her in for a long kiss.

''I'm going to go take a shower.'' Nyah smirked and pulled away as she felt a bulge growing in Draco's pants.

''You're evil.'' Draco groaned.

Nyah smirked and walked away, back to her dormitory.

She put her regular clothes in a bag and put her quidditch robes on her bed. Nyah grabbed a towel and made her way to the shower.

''You heard about them sleeping together right! She's such a slut! Sleeping with Draco, the Slytherin king!'' A girl ranted.

Nyah was only in her lingerie when she walked over to the two girls. She was wearing Draco's favorite, her most revealing, showing off all her marks.

''Y'know, talking about someone behind their back isn't nice.'' Nyah smirked walking over to them. The washrooms were kind of like locker rooms, the showers anyway. But there are some washrooms that had bathtubs, though that'd be kind of disgusting seeing how many people would be using them. The girls stood there looking at her neck and chest.

''I'm not a slut, I'm in love, in love with a man who loves me back, a very touchy man.'' Nyah said to them she then went to a shower and did her thing.

''Ugh, I hate people.'' Nyah muttered under her breath. She quickly showered and went back to the common room, wearing her quidditch robes.

''So Nyah you ready for your first match?'' Marcus Flint asked walking up to her.

''Ready to knock people of their brooms.'' Nyah smirked. The entire Slytherin team was calling her their secret weapon, she had crazy strength and could really hit the bulgers.

The team soon headed out to the pitch, Nyah and Draco walking side by side. Nyah looked up to the stands, Harry and Hermione were sitting there smiling at her. Nyah and Harry had grown closer per say, they didnt disrespect eachother as much now. Though Nyah did still be sure to kiss Draco an extra lot in front of Harry.

Nyah saw her father sitting in the stands. His regular expression on his face until he noticed Nyah. He smiled brightly at Nyah and gave her a nod.

Soon enough the game started and Nyah knew who her target was, Cedric Diggory. She felt terrible having to hurt him but she had to win, she'd do anything to win.

The game started, Nyah was told to protect Draco because everyone would be going for him and to target their best players.

''You've got this, darling.'' Draco smiled at her and she smiled back. She soon sped off on her broom, in the direction of their teammates. She caught sight of a bulger heading towards a teammate, she sped off and hit it in the direction of Cedric. The crowd let out a gasp at her strength and she heard a satisfying cry of pain as the game continued.

''Shytherin wins! Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch!'' Lee Jordan yelled and Nyah turned to see Draco, hand in the air smirking like a king. Nyah smiled and flew over to him quickly.

The Slytherin house still cheering their loudest. She smiled and threw her arms around him. He smiled brightly and hugged her back tightly, lifting her up.

The two had their moment, anyone who didn't know they were reserved now knew.

Nyah looked over at the limping Hufflepuff team proudly, a smug smirk on her face. She made eye contact with Cedric and he shook his head at her with a smile. He wasn't mad.

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