Part Seven

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''Oh come on, I've only had a few butter beers and three flask fulls of whiskey.'' Nyah laughed as she was only staring to feel the slightest bit fuzzed.

''How are you not drunk?'' Draco laughed and stole her drink, taking a large swig.

''Well my father is gone most of the time and doesnt have a lock on the booze cupboard.'' Nyah smirked at him. Draco smirked back and shook his head happily.

''Oh Crabbe and Goyle are waving me over, I'll see you in a bit princess.'' Draco winked at her and walked away. Nyah kept a smug smirk on her face and looked around. She couldn't seem to figure out what was happening between her and Draco. What did he want out of this? Sex or a relationship? He's Draco Malfoy, he knows how to make a girl melt in his hands, in a matter of seconds. Nyah sighed. He could have anyone, why would he want me? I want him more than anything but he would want a pure blood princess, Nyah thought to herself. It's weird, he had just started with the nickname princess. It made her heart flutter.

''What's wrong Snape?'' A tall boy asked approaching her. She was wearing a short black skirt, back running shoes, a dark green top, and a light black jacket.

''Who the hell are you?'' She questioned as he sat beside her.

''Cerdic Diggory.'' He held out a hand.

''Nyah Snape.'' She shook his hand.

''So tell me what's bothering you.''

''None of your business.'' Nyah hissed.

''There's obviously something wrong. Trouble with you and Malfoy?''

''Theres nothing between Draco and I.''

''Its obvious there is. You two are inseparable and cant keep your eyes of eachother. For instance you two are staring at eachother right now.'' Cedric pointed out.

''Am not.'' Nyah said turing her attention back to the boy beside her. He raised an eyebrow and laughed.

''You're a tough one. No wonder Malfoy likes you.''

''Draco doesnt like me.'' Nyah tried to reason with him, she was more so trying to prove her heart wrong. Draco couldn't like her. She pleaded sadly to herself, she wanted him to like her but she was scared, scared of love.

''You're the only person I've heard of and of that can put up with him. You're also the only person who I've heard call him Draco, not Malfoy.''

''Your point?''

''You like him and he likes you.'' Cedric laughed. Nyah turned her attention back to Draco, he was taking to Pansy, Goyle, and Crabbe.

''Even if I did like him, hypothetically speaking. He wouldn't like me. I'm a half blood.''

''Alot of people are. He's not his father, you've made alot of this school realize that. Have a good rest of your night Snape.'' Cedric said as he left.

Have I changed everyone's view on Draco? She asked herself.

''So, you didn't manage to hookup with girl magnet Hufflepuff dude.'' Draco said, his voice sounding jealous.

''No sadly, he told me he wasn't ready.'' Nyah tried to keep a straight face.

''So you did want to hookup with him!?'' Draco snapped, completely jealous.

Nyah burst out laughing, ''Hell no! Goody two shoes Diggory! In his dreams.''

''Come with me.'' His smug smirk coming back as he reached a hand out.

She took his hand, ''Where are we going?''


''No really!? Oh Merlin I've wanted to go there for years!'' Nyah exclaimed sarcastically. As they walked down to the dungeons.

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