Part Eight

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Draco turned to her worriedly, ''I dont care what anyone says you're sleeping here tonight. I'm not letting you go back to your dormitory alone.''

''Here.'' Draco said and tossed her a clean pair of boxers for her to wear as shorts, her underwear, her bra, and one of his sweaters.

Nyah attempted to get up but her legs felt like jello from her recent actions with Draco and she fell to her knees.

Draco smirked at her, ''I'm that good, eh?''

''Oh stop.'' Nyah threw a pillow at him. They both got dressed quickly, cleaned up a bit, and unlocked the door.

''He was in the castle! He went to the Gryffindor dormitories and went after Potter apparently!'' Crabbe said walking over to the two as they all met up in the common room.

''Guys we all know Nyah and Potter are siblings, for that reason she's staying with me tonight. If any of you say a word that could get us in trouble my father will hear about it.'' Draco threatened them. He had a secure arm around Nyah's waist, seeing as her legs still weren't trusted.

Everyone nodded and gulped.

''We should all head to bed. Dumbledore and the other professors will inform us about everything in the morning hours.'' Nyah said softly.

''Nyah!?'' A voice yelled from the entrance of the common room.

''Dad!'' She yelled back and hobbled over to her father trying not to fall.

''I'm sure you heard?'' He asked her while hugging her tightly.

Nyah nodded, ''Would he want anything to do with me?'' She asked bluntly and honestly.

''Nyah look, he was bestfriends with that treturious James Potter. James married your mother and got pregnant with Harry. Lily and I well you know that side of the story and she got pregnant with you. Sirius Black was named yours and Harry's godfather by your mother. He would go for Harry before you. But you're safe, that's all that matters.'' Severus told her. He held her in a tight hug. Draco was now close to them and all the Slytherin's were behind Draco.

''Draco, I trust you'll keep her safe.'' Severus looked at him.

''I can keep myself safe just fine!'' Nyah huffed as her legs started to wobble again. She was about to fall but Draco put an arm around her waist.

Severus looked at her with a sarcastic smile, ''Of course you can darling.'' He knew well that she could protect herself but wanted to make a joke.

''Oh har har.'' Nyah rolled her eyes and smiled at her father.

''Okay well everyone to bed immediately. I dont wan't anyone down here until the morning. Understood?'' Severus asked them and they nodded. He looked at his daughter one more time and left.

As he left Nyah hugged Draco tightly. The two stood there holding eachother tightly, as if the world was ending.

Nyah couldn't say that she wasnt scared, she knew that Sirius would want her aswell. He is her godfather.

''Nyah?'' Draco asked her softly, leaning to her ear.

''I'm okay. Just confused... and sore.'' Nyah laughed and looked up at Draco. Draco smirked smugly.

''Well goodnight.'' Goyle said as he walked to the dormitories.

''Come on, you're sleeping with me.'' Draco said grabbing her hand and tugging her along with him.

Nyah smiled and followed him. She had her party clothes in his dresser and they had cleaned everything up.

They got under the covers and Draco's  arms instantly went around her.

''Tonight's been chaotic.'' Nyah said turning to Draco.

''Very. Yet probably one of the best nights of my life.'' He smirked at her.

Nyah blushed, ''We'll have to do that more often.''

''Without a doubt.'' He smiled and kissed her forehead. The two cuddled up and fell asleep quickly.


Everyone woke up in the early hours of the morning, getting ready for Dumbledore's announcement and breakfast.

Nyah still in Draco's arms smiled remembering what happend the past evening. Draco was still fast asleep. Nyah sighed and looked at the time, 8:03 am.

''Draco, baby you've got to get up. We have to listen to Dumbledore's announcement and get breakfast.'' Nyah said softly to him.

He mumbled something under his breath then turned to look at her. ''All I want to eat is in this room.'' He smirked at her.

Nyah looked around confused, ''And what's that?''

''You.'' He smirked at her. Nyah swatted his arm and got up slowly. She was still wearing one of his sweaters.

Draco laid in his bed and watched as Nyah paced around trying to grab all her things.

''Get up lazy bones.'' Nyah laughed jumping onto Draco.

''Hey, hey I'm up.'' He laughed and kissed her on the lips happily.

''Now you are.'' Nyah corrected him.

''I was up, I was watching a beautiful girl pace around.'' Draco smiled.

Nyah smiled and kissed him again.

''Well I've got to go get dressed, I'll meet you in the common room.'' Nyah smiled walking out of the dormitories.

''So little slut Snape finally tricked Draco into giving it to her.'' Pansy smirked standing up.

''Oh please I'm not a slut like you.'' Nyah growled.

''Says the one who just slept with the Slytherin king.'' Pansy smirked calling her a slut.

''Slytherin king? That's seriously what you guys've named me.'' Draco said, a smug smirk on his face.

''Draco.'' Pansy gulped and turned back to her other friends.

''I'm not a slut Pansy, you've got that covered.'' Nyah said walking away, Draco following her like a lost puppy.

''Yes?'' She asked him.

''Y'know I heard this going around, people are calling you the Slytherin queen.'' Draco smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist.

''Oh yeah?' Nyah smirked and looked at him.

''Mhm.'' He mumbled and pulled her into him, kissing her deeply. Nyah's heart exploded and her hands went to his hair, and his went to her ass.

Nyah pulled away from their little makeout slowly and smiled at him, ''Guess that makes me your queen.''

''I wouldn't want anyone else.'' He smiled at her passionately.

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