Part Ten

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They soon reached his office and went in. The twins took their seats in front of a large desk. Dumbledore sat in his chair and sighed looking at the two.

''Nyah, Harry, I saw you're parents grow up. James, Lily, and Severus. Three exceptional wizards, always a love triangle happening.'' Dumbledore laughed to himself and continued, ''Your mother and fathers would be and are proud of you two. Though I don't think they'd be too pleased with the way you treat eachother.'' He paused and the two looked at each other.

''Lily would want you two to be closer than she was with James. Closer than than any of them. With Harry and Draco enemies, I can see how difficult this must be for you, Nyah. Your lover and your brother, constantly at eachother's throats.'' He looked at her and she looked down.

''And Harry, your sister dating or so I presume with your greatest foe, or well foe at this school.'' He looked at Harry who looked down.

''You're both strong wizards but with your godfather on the loose, with his recent break in, you two need each other more than you think. A siblings love is stronger than you'd believe.''

''Now Nyah show me your wrist, Harry brush the hair off your scar.'' He said and Nyah pulled up her sleeve, revealing a lightning bolt scar, the exact same as Harry's.

''You have one too.'' He looked at her wrist. Nyah nodded and pulled her sleeve back down, she hated showing her scar.

''Your mother gave her life for you two. Try to respect eachother, I'm not saying become inseparable unless you do. But try, try for Lily, your mother.'' Dumbledore looked at them.

''How?'' Nyah asked bluntly though she asked it out of pure honesty.

''I can't, the fact he is blood will ensure I'll always be there for him in he end. But the Draco stuff I cant oblige. I love Draco-'' Nyah was cut off by a laugh from Harry.

''And what must you interrupt me for!?'' She sighed.

''Love him!? You're 13! All you do is makeout!'' Harry said to her.

''Trust me I know more about what happens with Draco and I then you do. It's not just making out. We're touchy, so what? He's been the only one there for me in the past three months. The only one who's helped me, my own brother even looked me in the eyes as I fell to the ground from a dementor, you vanished the one that was hurting you but let the one that was near me hurt me. You watched as I fainted, I didn't have my wand! I know all the spells but you watched as it happened. Draco was there to help me, as you stood there like a statue.'' Nyah said as she wiped a tear off her face. Only her, Harry, Draco, and now Dumbledore knew that the dementors were hurting her just as much as they were hurting Harry.

Harry looked into her eyes, his filled with guilt.

''Then the day in the great hall, when we somehow got eachothers most painful memories. You told everyone that I was an evil witch, one out to hurt you. You won't accept the fact I'm related to you, you won't accept the fact that your parents marriage wasnt beautiful. Now that I'm being loved you won't accept it.'' Nyah's eyes looked deeply into his. They had the same eyes, matching green ones. The same as their mother's, as they were told on multiple occasions.

''I-I'm sorry, truly.'' Harry said honestly, his walls crumbling.

Nyah sighed knowing she should apologize as well. She hadn't been much help with trying to make a friendship happen.

''Nyah, Harry, you two are the strongest kids I've met. Just come to a compromise, like for instance Nyah, you and Draco can keep the kissing to the common roo-''

''I'm extremely sorry for interrupting you sir, but we all know that would never happen.'' Nayh laughed softly.

Dumbledore looked at her with a smile and sighed, ''Forget what I just said, for a compromise what about you two meetup once a week or so and just talk, about the memories, the pain you two share. You both think you're alone in all of this, you have eachother. So make your mother proud, be the best twins you can be, give Fred and George some competition.'' Dumbledore looked at them then they looked to eachother.

Nyah put a hand out, ''Start over for the sake of our beautiful mother?''

Harry took her hand and the two stood up.

''Thank you professor, truly.'' Nyah smiled at him. He nodded and smiled.

Nyah and Harry left his office and sighed looking at each other.

''Well it's now just past 4:30, I'm sure Draco's waiting.'' Harry smirked at her knowing what he interrupted in the library.

''Oh stop!'' Nyah laughed and pushed his shoulder. The two laughed and spoke as siblings as they walked through the halls of Hogwarts. Thinking of their mother and talking of the pain they had been through.

''You know, the night in the chamber of secrets, when you met him. And the night with the Philosopher's Stone I felt it too. The scar.'' Nyah sighed and pulled up her sleeve.

''Whenever something terrible I'd going to happen.'' Harry sighed.

''I miss her. I wish I knew her.'' Nyah said wiping a tear off her cheek.

''Me too. Her screams, when the dementors.'' Harry couldn't finish his sentence.

''I know, me too. It's terrible. When it happens I just want to be able to kill him, get rid of that cruel laugh, to hold mom in my arms and tell her I'm safe, that we're safe.'' Nyah sighed and looked over to Harry.

''She'd be proud of you Nyah, you've gone through more than I have. You're a strong witch, a strong person. Much like I assume she was.'' Harry smiled.

''She'd be proud of you too. You've defeated Voldemort twice.'' Nyah looked at him.

''I wasnt alone, Nyah you felt it. I know you did, both times, when defeated him. Your strength, I felt it.'' He looked at her and Nyah looked down.

''My father was here, I was home alone that night. I knew it was happening, my headaching, vomiting, screaming. I felt it all. I saw you, you didn't know what to do. I had to, I gave my strength to you, of course keeping enough to keep myself alive. Dumbledore knew, in the hospital he left it out. He knew it wasn't his place to tell. But yes, I saw it all, felt it all. It's like I was there.'' Nyah shuddered.

''If it wasnt for you I'd be dead right now.'' Harry looked at her. Nyah looked at him then looked down. She nodded slowly.

''I'm going to find Draco. I'll see you around Potter.'' She smiled at him and turned to walk away.

''You're a good sister Nyah, see you around.'' He said and left.

The twins had clarified what happened all those nights. They had a weird thing, a special thing. Something no other twins had, power, power beyond what anyone believes.

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