Part Six

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''And why not!?'' Nyah yelled at Draco.

''Because you're just a girl! You mean nothing! Just another thing in my way!'' Draco yelled back at her.

''Just another thing in your way!? You mean you're only friend! The only person who has stood by you throughout all of this!'' Nyah screamed.

''I have many friends!'' Draco defended.

''Followers you mean! They're scared of what your family can do!''

''You're always staring shit!''

''No I am not! I'm protecting you! All the dementors out there, they'd kill you!''

''I could stop them!''

''Oh yeah, how!?''



''Oh like you could!''

''I could actually!''

''Oh yeah, what is it!?''

''Expecto Patronum!''

''And where'd you learn that!?''

''That's not important! Now you're not going out there!''

''You can't stop me!''

''Draco I'll never speak to you again if you do this.'' Nyah said softly. His face changed from angry and challenging to soft.

''Let's go back to the common room.'' Nyah spoke softly, reaching a hand out.

He took her hand and they walked back to the Slytherin common room.

It's now a day from Halloween, the two got in to an argument. Draco who wanted to go and set up a trick on the quidditch pitch at 9:29 at night. Nyah knowing it'd end terribly changed his mind and stopped him.

''Why do you care for me?'' Draco asked her honestly, his face twisted in a sad way.

''You're different.''

''No way, you can't use my line against me.''

''I just did pretty boy.'' Nyah smirked.

Draco laughed and smiled at her, he grabbed her arms and pulled her to him.

''You're so much different, you're a perfect diffrent.'' Draco said as he bent his head down and put a hand on Nyah's chin. He gently pulled her face to his and-

''Malfoy! Snape!'' A voice yelled and interrupted them.

''D-dad.'' Nyah stuttered.

''To the common room before Filch finds you both.'' He said and walked off.

''Why is it that we always get interrupted?'' Draco sighed frustrated.

''No idea but it kills me.'' Nyah sighed. She looked down and a tent in Draco's pants caught her eye. She smirked greatly and looked up at him.

He looked down at what she noticed then turned a light shade of pink, ''Y'know, you're the only one who has that effect on me.'' He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He leaned farther to her neck and placed soft yet eager kisses down it.

''Draco.'' She said stifling a moan.

''You like that, princess?'' He smirked against her skin.

She wrapped a leg around his and pulled him against her as she was against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her-

''Malfoy! Get away from my sister!'' The one and only Harry Potter yelled at them. Nyah groaned frustrated.

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