Part Four

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''Welcome to 3rd year potions. I will be your teacher, Professor Snape.'' Severus said as he started the lesson. Nyah was sitting in the back beside Draco. The two were talking as Severus was teaching.

''No way! Wait so you punched him in the nuts-''

''Snape, Malfoy.'' Severus snapped at them, interrupting Nyah. They shut up instantly and payed attention.

''I hate school.'' Nyah said to Draco as they walked to their next class. She held her books miserably.

''You've done one lesson so far.'' Draco laughed.

''Still hell.'' Nyah sighed. She definitely didn't look miserable. The smirk on her lips and her long blonde hair were perfection.

''Oh look it's the mudblood know it all.'' Draco laughed as they passed Hermione. Nyha hit her with her shoulder as they went past her. Hermione looked at Nyah with tears filling her eyes, giving her a pleading look.

''I'll meet you in class. I have to do something.'' Nyah said to Draco, he nodded and carried on to class.

''Granger.'' Nyah looked at her annoyed.

''Please dont hurt me. I dont want trouble.'' Hermione said wiping her tears and rubbing her shoulder.

''I'm not going to hurt you. Look I can't believe I'm saying this but you seem like a great person, I'll try to get Draco to stop.'' Nyah sighed and rubbed her head stress fully with her free hand. 

''Wait really?'' Hermione asked. Nyah nodded and sighed again.

''You're not too bad for a Slytherin.'' Hermione laughed playfully.

Nyah laughed and smiled, ''Well I've got to get to class but I'll see you around.''

That day Hermione realized something, the sorting hat puts you where you'll do the best, succeed the most, and change for your idea of better. Nyah may be just as cold hearted as Draco but she is going to change alot.

Nyah walked to her next class slowly,
Divination. She reached the class and went in.

''Miss. Snape, you're late.'' Professor Trelawney said to her.

''No really?'' Nyah said sassily and took a seat beside Draco who was smirking at her.

Professor Trelawney huffed and continued with her lesson, she wasn't much of a teacher to give detentions and take points.

''Why the hell is she making us look into cups!?'' Nyah said, laughing to Draco.

Draco just laughed, ''At least we have lunch next.''

''Thank god.'' Nyah muttered and laughed.


''So how was your first day?'' Severus asked Nyah as they sat in his empty classroom.

''Well I think it went very well.'' Nyah shrugged.

''So you and Malfoy?'' Severus smirked.

''No!'' Nyah blushed and swatted his shoulder.

''Ny you can date if you please. I'm not going to stop you. Just realized who Malfoy is. He has alot to deal with. You know who his father is.'' Severus warned his daughter.

''I'm not going to define him off his dad. He is a complete jerk to everyone but not to me. I yelled at him yesterday after he said that I meant nothing to him, he only said that because someone accused him of liking me though. Then we slept on the common room couch together last night.'' Nyah sighed. Her and her father are very close. Seeing as her mother isn't around Severus tries to help Nyha as much as possible. Well not necessarily help but be there for her.

''Malfoy doesn't usually grow close to a people. He does not trust easily.'' Severus said to her as he stood up.

''Well goodnight dad. I'll see you tomorrow.'' Nyah smiled exiting his class. She walked downstairs to the dungeons and to the portrait.

''Bloodshed.''Nyha said the the portrait and went in.

''You fancy her! You're never like that to anyone Malfoy.'' The girl from last night yelled at him.

''So what if I do!? Its none of your business Pansy. You just wish it were you. You aren't even discreet about your little crush anymore now. Get this through your head, I don t like you now and I never will. And dont you dare ever shout at me like that again.'' Draco growled. Nyah smirked and walked in confidently.

''You like a half blood!? I thought you were more Slytherin than that.'' Pansy smirked.

''She's more Slytherin than you are. Braver, more ambitious, more determined, cunning, and much more of a leader.'' Draco spat.

''You've gone soft for a half blood, Malfoy.'' She yelled.

''I have not gone soft, I never will. It's just you Pansy, stuck in a romance that'll never happen. Dream on, it's all you're good at.'' Draco smirked.

''Fuck you Malfoy. Both of you, all of you!'' Pansy yelled going back to her dormitory.

Nyah couldn't lie, him saying he'll never go soft kinda hurt.

''Jeez she's a bitch.'' Nyah smiled deviously.

''Just like you, but take it as a compliment.'' Draco smirked at her.

''Oh being a bitch a compliment? Only you Draco.'' Nyah rolled her eyes playfully.

''Oh come on it is. We try to be mean, we are mean, we're rude, cunning, all of that shit.'' Draco said sitting on the couch. Nyah sat beside him and lay her head in his lap, everyone had gone to bed.

''You know, you kind of have gone soft. Well only for me. You don't act like you do towards everyone else to me.'' Nyah said as he played with her hair.

''Like I've said numerous times, you're different.''

''A good different?''

''A very good diffrent.''

''A mysterious diffrent?''

''Yes you're mysterious.''

''A sly different?''


''A sneaky different?''

''Eh not really.''

''Oh yeah? Where's your ring?'' Nyah smirked.

''Bloody hell, how did you get my ring.'' Draco asked as he grabbed her hand and took his ring back.

''I don't know, how did I get your ring?'' Nyha smirked and raised an eyebrow. Draco laughed and shook his head.

''Remember that day in Diagon Alley? When I was so close to stealing your father's watch.'' Nyah smirked. Draco shook his head with a smirk.

''You're very sly, happy?''


''Oh we have the care for magical creatures class tomorrow.'' Nyah said.

''Oh lord, that oaf Hagrid is teaching it.'' Draco rolled his eyes.

''Oh come on, Hagrid isn't that bad.'' Nyah said looking Draco in the eyes. Draco raised an eyebrow and looked back at her.

''Class'll be fine. Now I'm going to head to bed. It's already quite late. I'll see you in a few hours.'' Nyah said getting up and going to her dormitory.

''Goodnight Nyha.'' Draco said to her as he got up aswell.

''See you in a bit Draco.'' Nyah smiled and went to her bed. She snuggled up under her comforter and looked at the ceiling, thinking.

Soon enough she turned over and sleep consumed her.

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