Part Three

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''Dad it's not what it looks like!'' Nyah exclaimed as a crowd surrounded them.

''That's not what I'm here about. All of you to your rooms!'' Severus yelled and the crowd left.

''Nyah it's a mutual hatred for the Potter boy, but you're the only biological family he has left. He may have Siruis Black but he's in Azkaban, where he belongs.'' Her father continued.

''What did he do to get himself locked up in there!?'' Nyah asked shocked. She knew that he was her godfather but she doesnt know anything other than that.

''Enough about what happend. He is a bad man, that's all you need to know. However he escaped, that's why the dementors are about. Nyah this is going to be particularly difficult for you to fight them. You have gone through alot compared to most.'' Severus said and walked away.

Nyah stood there trying to take it all in.

''Come on we better head to our dormitories.'' Draco said with a small smile. Nyah nodded and followed him.

''I've been here many times before but why the hell are there so many stairs!?'' Nyah exclaimed. Draco laughed and reached a hand out to her.

''Malfoy's got a girlfriend!'' An unfamiliar voice called from behind them.

''Get lost Longbottom. I dont see why you're talking to me.'' Malfoy hissed at the boy, walking up to him.

''I-I-I'' the boy stuttered and Nyah smirked.

''Enough Malfoy!'' The Granger girl yelled coming up to them with her wand out.

''Expelliarmus.'' Nyah said pulling out her wand, disarming Hermione. Hermione glared at her greatly and went straight up to Draco.

''Enough with your bullying, you have no heart.'' Hermione said getting in his face.

''Mudblood.'' Draco called. Hermione turned and left, leaving them with Harry and Ron.

''Dont even try.'' Nyah glared at her brother.

''Blood traitor.'' Harry looked at her.

''Says the one who was screaming not to be put in Slytherin.'' Draco stood up for her.

''Oh Draco must be in love! He actually cares for someone!'' Ron yelled carelessly.

''I dont love her. Shes a mere friend. Nothing to me.'' Draco snapped.

Nyah turned and looked up to him, ''Fuck you Malfoy.'' She left him standing there with her brother and the Weasley boy.

She walked around the dungeons and finally found the portrait. She muttered the password that Draco had told her and went in. It was much more beautiful than she had imagined.

''Nyah! Wait!'' A voice called from behind her.

''Go fuck yourself Malfoy.'' She yelled at him, ignoring the stares.

''Enough with the staring! Get a life you dumbasses.'' Nyah called as she walked over to the girls dormitories.

''Nyah Snape. No one, and I mean no one treats me like that!'' Draco said grabbing her wrist.

''Let go of me you ignorant ass.'' Nyah glared at him.

''You never treat me like that.''

''Well sorry but I just did.''

''No one has before.''

''Well now I'm here. Get used to me Malfoy.''

''Stop, stop calling me Malfoy.''

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