The Jonas Brothers Concert Thursday July 23rd 2009 (My first concert)

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So, today is my first concert. Before I went to the concert I had summer camp all day. Once I got home I started to get ready for the concert. When I was ready me and my mom left for the concert. The concert was at Wachovia Center in Philly. When we got there the first thing we did was go to the merchandise table. I got a shirt and glow stick. My mom got a glow stick. Then we went to our seats. The opening acts where Jordan Sparks and The Honor Society. While we were waiting for the Jonas Brothers to come on I was talking to the girl on my left and we became friends. When we where talking we saw people walking up to the stage. We did not know who it was because we where to far a way but I think it was the boys. Not long after we saw them walking to the stage The Jonas Brothers came on. Two of the things I remember happening when The Jonas Brothers doing was spraying foam on the girls by the stage and Kevin was dancing in water that they had falling from the ceiling. When we where leaving we had a hard time getting out because everyone one was leaving at the same time. So I was holding on to my mom's bag so I don't get lost in the big crowd.

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