Chris Mann Thursday January 16th 2020

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I had work till 5:00. After work my friend Alyssa's mom and dad picked me up from work then we went to go pick up Alyssa from school. One we got Alyssa her dad dropped me, Alyssa and her mom at the train station and we took a train to 30th street to get to the venue. When we got to 30th we had to walk a little bit to get to the venue. When we got there we went to the bathroom. Once we finished we walked down to where the concert was and also met up with Alyssa's friend. When we met up with her friend we went to our seats and we had front row seats. He came on at 8:00 and was on till 9:10. Even though he was only on for an hour I still had fun. He did not have that many songs that's why he was not on for long. After the show we waited in the lobby like 20-30 minutes and met Chris. I took a selfie and a polaroid picture with him. He then singed the polaroid and also singed the guitar and poster that I had. We then had gone up to the main floor of the venue to wait for Alyssa's dad to come pick us up. While we where waiting by the door Chris walked out but before he left we talked to him for a bit. I got home between 10-11.

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