Allstar Weekend, Hollywood Ending and Before you Exit Thursday Febuary 16th 2012

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This was one of my favorite Allstar Weekend concerts. When me, my friend Alexa and my mom where walking into the venue I saw Dan from Hollywood Ending. When I saw him I was to scared to go up to talk to him so I just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. By the time my mom got to us he walked in the venue. Hollywood Ending was the first opening act. When they where done they came out to the crowd to talk to us. But I only met 3 out of 5 of the members. I met Tyler, Dan and Chris. And yes I finally met Dan. He just walked passed me when I was waiting for Before You Exit to come on. After Before You Exit was done they came out to the to the crowded to say to us as well. Before they come out to the crowed I met a new friend. When Before You Exit was meeting fans me and my new friend went and met Riley. After what felt like hours Allstar Weekend finally came on. When the show was over I saw Tyler again and he singed my shirt. This was my favorite Allstar Weekend concert because I met Riley from Before You Exit, Tyler, Dan and Chris from Hollywood Ending and I made a new friend.

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