Olivia Holt and Forever In Your Mind Thursday November 17th 2016

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Me and my mom left the house at 1:30 to pick up my friend Nella. We left at 1:30 so we could get to where Nella worked at by 2:00 because it took us a half hour to get there. After getting Nella my mom dropped us off at Reading Terminal Market in Philly. When she dropped us off we walked around for a bit to see if we could try to find Forever In Your Mind because that's all we wanted to do but we could not find them there so we just took a bit to the venue. Once we got to the street of the venue was we had a hard time finding it so we asked like 5 people to help us find it and the last person we asked she showed us where it was. Not long after she showed us a girl with her grandma and Aunt came to the venue for the show. After asking them if they where were there for the show we went to McDonald's to eat a late Lunch/ early dinner. Once we finished we went back to the venue and the people we saw left but came back a few minutes after we did. When they came back we just hung out there and they said that they had an extra because the girls sister decided not to go last minute. So she gave me the ticket because me and Nella wanted to go to the show but did not have tickets. So after she gave it to me I called my mom to see if I could go and she said yes. We waited like 4 hours to get in. Once we got in Nella got her ticket at the door then scanned mine and stamped both mine and Nella's hand. When we got in we found our new friend that we met outside and we were front row. As we were waiting we made some more friends and we talked. At one point I looked up to my right and up to the balcony and I saw Liam from Forever In Your Mind and I freaked out. I called his name and waved to him and he waved back. Then Emery came out on to the balcony and I made a heart with my hands and he did it back. And last but not least Ricky came out and I did what I did for Emery and did it back as well. After that happened Isac came out and sang a few songs. When he finished he came out and met some fans so I met him again even though I met him when I was outside waiting to get in. Then we waited 30 minutes for FIYM to come on. Then they came on and sang a few songs as well. We also met them when they were done. After we met them and went back to the stage Ryland cam on and did some DJ stuff. Then we had to wait another 30 minutes for Olivia to come on and she for about an hour. When she was done every one got in line to meet Ryland, Olivia and Isac. After me and Nella met them we went home. But when we were waiting for the bus to go home a car that was in front of the venue left and Isac was in the passenger seat and he waved to us when he went past. About 20 minutes later we saw him we finally got on the bus to go to 69th street so my mom could pick us up and to drop off Nella at home. I did not get home till 12:00 and went to bed around 12:30. This was the best concert that I have ever gone to.

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