Jonas Brothers Concert Thursday October 7th 2021

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I left my house at 3:20 to pick up my friend Erica to go to the concert. We go the venue around 5:16. The doors opened a little after 6:00 and the show started at 7:00. When we got in there was a photo spot to take pictures so we took some photos. After that we got something to drink and went to the lawn. Once we got to the lawn we decided to go and get chairs to rent so we could sit. When we where waiting my friend went to the merch table to get merch. The started right at 7:00 the first opener was Homegrown. They did 3-4 songs. Then around 7:20 the next opener came on and also did 3-4 songs. Jordan McGraw came on at 7:35 and was on for 30 minutes. Kelsea Ballerini came on at 8:17 and was on for also 30 minutes. The boys came on at 9:29 so we waited an hour and a half but didn't feel that long. During their song "Fly With Me" there was a proposal. It was so cute. This was the first concert that I been to that had a proposal. The show ended at 10:55. Once it ended we went to the bathroom before leaving. After that we tried ordering an Uber but for some reason couldn't so I had to call my mom to come get us. We waited 30-40 minutes for my mom to get there. It took us 30 minutes to go to the bathroom and to try to order the uber so my mom left the house between 11:30-11:40 and I am glad that she ended up getting us because when we where waiting for my mom I was joking with my friend saying "what if they drive past us in their tour bus?" And the 5th time I said it 30 seconds later they drive past us in their tour bus and I cried for like 5 minutes. Both this show and the Hershey show where amazing in different ways. I am so glad that I went to both of these shows.

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