Allstar Weekend Friday Febuary 15th 2013

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Before leaving for the concert me and my mom went to Giant to get Allstar Weekend flowers because this was their last tour before going on break and changing the band name. Not long after we got there the show started l. The first opening act was Tiffany Avlord. After she was done she met some fans so I went to meet her and I gave her a flower and she also singed my shirt as well. After I met her the 2nd opening act Beneath The Sun came on and I met 2 out of 4 after they were done they singed my shirt. When I was waiting for Allstar weekend I got some merchandise. I got a Tiffany Avlord necklace, Allstar Weekend cd that came pre-singed and an Allstar Weekend shirt. Throw out the show I put up my poster and both Zach and Cameron saw it and it just made me happy. Not to long after they saw it I went closer to were I was standing and Cameron was on my side at the time so I made a heart with my hands and Cameron saw it and nodded his head. I have noticed that whenever I go to a concert I either get noticed or met someone famous.

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