5 Seconds Of Summer and Hey Violet Saturday August 29th 2015

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Before leaving for the concert me and my friend Kylie went to Giant to get some Starbucks coffee. We left my house at 4:00 and got to Hershey park around 6:00-6:30. When we got there we ate dinner at a place near the stadium. After we ate we got dropped off at the stadium by my grandpa. On the way there we hit a bit of traffic. So we got to the stadium between 7:30-8:00 and the concert started at 7:00 we missed some of the Hey Violet performance but me and Kylie were ok with missing it because we did not care for them to much. But Hey Violet was actually not that bad from what we saw. When we were waiting for 5SOS me and Kylie went to the merchandise table. I got a shirt and a tour book. Kylie got 2 shirts. During the show Ashton had a prying mantis on his drum set and all but Calum was freaking out. Not to long after that happened Ashton was howling at the moon like a wolf  because it was a full moon that night. During the show we think we got noticed by Ashton, Calum and Luke because we were the loudest in our section, we were the only ones with glow sticks and we had posters. After the show we got something to drink and we went to the merchandise table again. Me and Kylie both got a poster. When we left the stadium me and Kylie found a grassed area in front of the stadium and sat there for a bit then we went to go where my grandpa was waiting for us. When we got home at 1:30 in the morning so then Kylie's mom and dad came to pick her up so I did not go to bed till 2:00.

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