"Three of a kind."


"Full house."


I laughed as Logan and Lucas pushed their Hershey kisses towards me.

"Why are you so good?" Logan muttered, gathering up everyone's cards.

"Prison." I said, opening up one of the chocolates and popping it into my mouth. "If you don't have a good poker face in there, you're dead meat. Lucas, I really hope you never get convicted."

I noticed Logan struggling with gathering the cards together with his one hand and I quickly reached across, pushing them into a uniform pile and starting to shuffle them.

He quickly took them back. "I can do it." He muttered, cutting the deck sloppily with much effort.

"Logan, it's okay. You can't do everything."

"If you keep helping me then I won't be able to do anything." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "I've got it."

I blew out an exasperated breath, knowing he was right, but still wanting to help him.

I glanced at his stump again, my stomach churning. It seemed so unreal. He didn't have an arm. That was like not having half your face, it looked strange. It was going to take a while for me to get used to it. It was going to take a while to get used to a lot of things.

He noticed me still staring and smiled. "What did I do to deserve you?" He shook his head, chuckling as he got back to attempting to shuffle. "You worry too much."

"It's because I love you, Logan."

Lucas, who had been quiet up until now, starting making gagging noises and feigned snapping his neck. "I thought getting one roommate was bad, having two roommates that do the deed with each other while they think I'm sleeping and say things like 'I love you.'" He cringed, sticking out his tongue and shaking his head spastically.

I couldn't help but laugh. "How did I luck out on getting you as a roommate?"

He rolled his eyes. "Just deal the cards." He muttered.

Dealing was the least painful to watch, even though he was doing it like a five year old the way he carefully picked up a card at a time with one hand from the neat pile on the table.

A nurse came in just as he finished and checked all of our charts, asking the usual "On a scale of one to ten, how much is your pain?" With Logan answering the usual five, only jacking it up to an eight if he wanted more drugs, and Lucas taking two whole minutes just to evaluate himself, then deciding on a three. As for me, I was always at a seven with my skin still burning from the electrocution. I was really hoping this wouldn't last much longer.

Then again, it wasn't just the pain in my skin causing me to say seven.

I still thought of her so much, and as much as I just tried to forget the pain, it was always there. I tried doing this shitty meditation thing Jason had offered by trying to remember her without remembering the pain that came with her, but every time I imagined her, her last words seared into the back of my mind and my heart pounded.

"Good news, Ms. Sharpe," The chirpy nurse started. "As soon as I clear it with the doctor, you should be free to go." She smiled at me before leaving.

I sighed. "Great."

"What's wrong?" Logan asked. "You should be excited."

I shrugged. "I don't know." I did know, but if I told Logan I knew he would say I was ridiculous and do all of this lovey dovey crap that I didn't need right now. Leaving the hospital means I have to go back, for real. I have to go back to the apartment and find a job again and actually talk to people without an excuse. Here, I got food, I got to do whatever I wanted, and nobody talked to me except Logan, Jason, and Lucas, all people that I don't mind talking to. It also meant I had to plan Aubrey's funeral, which I definitely wasn't looking forward to. I just wish they would extend my stay a week or so, I need a little bit more time. Then again, I'm pretty sure I already overstayed my welcome. This was going to have to happen at some point.

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