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"Water bottles, not buttons. People take buttons and throw them out. Nobody can resist a free water bottle."

Blake raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk gracing his beautiful lips which made his little freckle wink out at me. "So even if I gave you a button you would throw it out?"

I bit my lip, smiling. I always smiled around him. "They don't match anything."

He let out a laugh and climbed on top of me, making me squeal as he kissed my neck, moving his lips down further until they rested on the top of my breast. "I would want to put it right here." He whispered into my shirt.

I took his head in my hands and tipped it up towards my face. He looked like a lion on the prowl the way his back was arched and his eyes were filled with a predatory glow, his tongue skimming across his lips hungrily.

I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him, pushing him against the arm of the couch and mounting his lap.

"Finally." He murmured, his hands creeping up under my shirt.

I was about to unbutton his pants when the door to the apartment blasted open. Blake drew back briefly to see who it was but I pulled his focus back to me and he didn't protest. I was too horny to care that someone was walking in on us.

"Ew, get a room." Logan said with disgust as he flopped on the loveseat perpendicular to us.

I grumbled as I pulled away from Blake to glare at Logan. "Do you mind?"

"Do you mind? I like that couch and would prefer if I didn't have to cringe everytime I sit down on it after you two make love on it." He shivered, turning his attention to his laptop.

He needed to get out of my apartment if he wanted to keep all of his fingers.

I climbed off of Blake, slumping down on the couch sulkingly.

"Uh, who is this?" Blake asked me quietly.

"That's the second time this week another man has asked me this." Logan grumbled as he clicked away at his laptop, the screen reflecting off his glasses.

Blake raised his eyebrows to his hairline at Logan's remark.

"My friend's boyfriend who is supposed to be looking for jobs so he can move out." I said suggestively to Logan.

He smiled sheepishly at me. "You see, that's funny because I already went to two interviews and might have accidentally opened up my computer to show them the resume I may have forgotten to print out and they might have accidentally seen all of my Hypothermia evidence and they may have thought I was a stalker so I don't think I will be getting those jobs any time soon."

"Hypothermia evidence?" Blake asked.

I buried my nails into my palm. Nobody could know, especially someone who was running for mayor. As much as I trusted Blake, I didn't trust that he would do the wrong thing for me and not tell anyone about Hypothermia.

"Yeah," Logan said lazily, continuing to click away at his computer. "I'm trying to find out who Hypothermia is, I mean, who he really is. Madisyn asked me to so..." He looked up at us and saw my nervous expression, his face going pale. "Uh, I mean, nothing." He shut his laptop and got up, starting out of the living room.

I thought I was in the clear when Blake piped up. "What have you gotten so far?"

Logan stopped in his tracks and looked back at me for permission. I sighed in defeat and nodded. He came back in and sat down next to us, opening his laptop.

"I obtained footage from the bank..." He was about to continue when he saw the campaign plans sprawled across the coffee table and stared up at Blake with wide eyes. "Oh.... You're running for mayor. Um," He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, my cousin works at the bank and that's, uh, why I have footage from there." Aubrey was right, there was no way Logan was Hypothermia.

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