He kills you

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Niall: "LOOK IF YOUR FED UP OF THIS MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE together anymore." I whispered the last part. "What did you say?!" "Maybe we should BREAK UP!!" "We ARE NOT BREAKING UP!!" "Why it would be better for us. DONT YOU THINK SO?!" Then he pushed me to the wall and slapped me and slapped the other side of my face. "WHEN I SAY WE ARE NOT BREAKING UP WE ARE NOT OK?!" I nodded. He groaned and went upstairs. I was shaking scared out of my mind. I'm just going to creep out the door and run. When I was just about to open the door I heard "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!!" "Nowhere." I whispered. "THEN BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR THEN!" I shook my head "No I'm going out!!" "WHAT?!!" Then suddenly he was right beside me. "DID YOU JUST SAY NO TO ME?!!" I nodded. "You don't EVER say no to me UNDERSTAND?!!!" "I should because it's my life!!" He looked really angry after that. So angry that I deserved a push to the wall and a knee to the stomach. I collapsed on the ground gasping the air. "That will teach you!!" "It didn't actually Niall but it was nice knowing you N-N-Niall!" Then after that everything went black.

Liam: Liam came home really angry at me and I don't even know why! "Liam what's wrong why are you mad at me?!" "You know fine well why I'm mad at you!!" "I don't actually that's why I'm asking you!!" "Ok fine you cheated on me with Niall didn't you?!!" "No I would never cheat on you I love you!!" "Yeah well guess what I don't!!!" "In fact Liam do you know what I did cheat on you with Niall. In fact I cheated on you twice there you happy now!!?" He looked beyond angry now. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!!" "YOU HEARD ME!!" Then he done something I never thought he would do. "AHH" He slapped me and kneed me in the stomach and then grabbed my hair and shoved me into the wall. "IM GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET CHEAT ON ME!!" "I c-c-can't because-" Before I could finish the world went black.

Zayn: "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!!" "I didn't say anything." I said scared. "No I definitely heard you say something!!" "I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING." "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU SHOUTING AT!!!?" "Ugh let's just forget about this!" "No I want to talk about this now!" "Well I don't." I said as I was walking up the stairs. But then he grabbed my wrist and said "WELL I DO AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!!" "NO I DONT WANT TO!!" He grabbed my hair pulled me down to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach. "Z-Z-Zayn I'm p-p-pregnant." Then suddenly I couldn't feel anything anymore and everything was black and the last thing I heard was "WHAT NO Y/N KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN IM SORRY!!" and my last words were "Goodbye Zayn."

Louis: "I SAW YOU WITH HER LOUIS!!" "SO DOESNT MEAN I STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER Y/N. ELEANOR MAYBE MY EX BUT SHE IS JUST A FRIEND!!!" "WHAT WITH BENIFETS?!!!" Then suddenly his eyes changed they were like black instead of his usual blue. "What was that." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to kitchen and brung out the sharpest knife. My eyes probably popped out if sockets. "Louis what are you doing?!" "I'm just having fun babe. Why am I scaring you?" I nodded a bit. "Well babe you should have listened to me when I said she was just my friend!" I felt his grip on my arm loosen a bit. I got my self free and started running towards the door. But when I finally got to the door it was too late.

Harry: "Harry unlock the door please!" "No we need to talk about this and I'm not letting you go out there it's cold and dark!!" I don't care just let me out!!" "Fine you want out? Get out then!!" As soon as I heard the car door door open I rushed out and started running. Harry was being really scary back there his eyes were going black and he had a tip grip on my arm and laughing really scarily. "Y/n c'mon babe get back in the car!" "No I'll just walk home it's better than being in the car with you!!" Right when I was about to cross the road Harry was trying to run me over. "HARRY WATCH IT!!" "GET IN THE CAR!!" "No!" I was going to run but as soon as I did Harry's car struck my side and I went over the hood and landed on the ground with a thud killing me and the last thing I saw was Harry running over to me shouting my name.

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