"You hit him"

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Niall: "Niall I'm trying to make something to eat and when your trying to eat it, it makes it longer to make!!" "Woah ok calm down I'm sorry!" "Just go in the living room!!" "No I'm waiting here till you finish making my food!" "Your food?! It's for both of us actually so don't go round thinking I'm only cooking for you!" "Well you look like your eating for two!!" Before you could even think your hand struck Niall's face. His head snapped to the side and looked back at you in shock. "Did you just hit me?! We promised each other we would never hurt each other!!" "Well you started you said I looked like I was eating two!!" "Doesn't mean you can hit me!! Do you know what I can't even look at you right now!!" "Good cause i can't look at you right now either!!" Then you both stormed away from each other with you in the living room and Niall upstairs.

Liam: "Liam just leave me alone for a while please!!" "No I want to be with you I've hardly seen you since tour and now you want me gone!" "I don't want you gone! I just want to left alone a while my head is banging." "Well all I want is to spend some time with someone I love!!!" "Stop yelling please!" You said massaging your temples. "Do you know Y/n you've got really lazy and all you want to do is sit around. You've got a job you know it's cooking cleaning and-" You didn't let him finish because you slapped his face and stormed upstairs.

Zayn: "Zayn I thought you said you were going to quit smoking?!" "I am but I'm getting stressed lately." "Zayn I don't think smoking relieves stress?" "It actually does but you wouldn't know that because your too-" He stopped mid sentence. "I'm too what Zayn?" He stayed silent. "Cmon Zayn spit It out! I'm too what?!" "YOUR TOO STUPID 'SMOKING DOENST RELEASE STRESS?!' YES IT DOES ACTUALLY BECAUSE YOUR THE ONE STRESSING ME OUT ALL YOU DO IS NAG, NAG, NAG. LEARN TO SHUT UP FOR ONCE!!" After that I slapped him. "I don't talk that much!" "Oh yeah you do! Now go away and don't bother me!" And then he blew smoke right in my face.

Louis: "Louis I'm not going out tonight ok?!" "Why?!" The reason is your pregnant but your too scared to tell him. "It's nothing I just don't feel like going tonight that's all!" "No that's not the reason your always up for a night out and a drink!" "Well I'm not tonight!" "God why are you so boring now?!" "Excuse me?! I always go out with you!!" "Well why not tonight?!" "Because I'm not it the mood!!" "Ugh for god sake." then the next thing you knew you hand went to his face. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FOR!!??" "I don't know i didn't mean it!" "Oh just get out my face!!" "I'm sorry." "I don't want to hear it Y/n get lost!!" I nodded and went upstairs.

Harry: You and Harry are on the rocks lately. Everything you guys do it always leads to an argument. Like now. "Y/N YOU COULD OF BROKE IT!!!" "Well I didn't." You didn't like shouting at Harry because you did once and the consequence was shocking. "I DONT CARE IF YOU DIDNT YOU STILL NEARLY BROKE IT!!!" "OH FOR GOD SAKE HARRY WILL YOU CALM DOWN HARRY ITS JUST A PHONE!!!" "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SHOUTING AT ME!!!?" "Well you shouted at me!!" "THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOUT AT ME!!" "Well I don't care what you say I LIKE TO SHOUT!!!!!!!" He flinched. Then he started coming closer and it looked like he was going to hit me so I hit him. He stumbled back with his hand on his face. "Why the hell did you hit me?!!" "I thought you were going to hit me!" "Do you know what don't talk to me for the rest of the night I can't even look at you!!" The further he got away the more I regret it now.

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