BSM Hes mean to you-Harry

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You were going to school with your big brother you were both just getting in the car. "When we get there I'm going to drop you off round the corner from school so you know the drill pretend you don't know me and stay out of my way." You nodded. This was normal he did it every time you went to school but he doesn't act nice he bullies you but no one knows he is your brother and he said it's going to stay that way. "Now get out and don't look at me." I jumped put of the car and watched Harry went away. "Hey Y/n!" "Hey" That was your friend Haylie the only person that knows Harry's your brother and she knows how she treats you because he does the same to her. "I take it Harry dropped you off here again huh?" You nodded. "It's like he's embarrassed of me being his sister." When you got to school Harry was at your locker. "Oh no!" "What's wrong?!" "Harry's at our lockers this is just our luck huh?!" "Ok do you know what Y/n let's just go over there he isn't exactly on our lockers he's just standing beside them so let's just go and pretend we don't see him and his friends." She grabbed your arm and took you to your lockers. "Well,well, well look who it is it's dumb and dumber." "Oh look who it is it's the wicked witch of the west and her little pests." Haylie argued back. "Um I'm a boy." "Not with that hair your not." (By the way I love Harry's hair so I'm not hating on his hair here.😊) "want to say that again or your little friend gets it?!" "OK I HAVE HAD ENOUGH IVE NEVER MET SOMEONE WHO TREATS THEIR OWN SISTER LIKE DIRT SHE IS YOUR SISTER HARRY SHOW SOME LOVE TO HER YOUR ALL SHE HAS LEFT AND YOU PUSHED HER DOWN THE STAIRS THE OTHER DAY AND LAUGHED. DO YOU KNOW YOU COULD OF BROKE HER ARM?!!!" "Just leave it Haylie I'm moving back with my mum and dad anyway." you said. "What?!" Haylie and Harry said at the same time. "I'm moving back to my mum and dads they know how Harry treats me at school and at home. He doesn't feed me or treat me like a sister you should respect. He only respects Gemma. So this time tomorrow I won't be here I'll be at home." "Y/n you are home!" "NO IM NOT HARRY WHEN I LEAVE TOMORROW ILL PRETEND ILL NEVER KNOW YOU BECAUSE YOUR DEAD TO ME!!! C'mon Haylie let's go and enjoy my last day." I left before I could see Harry's face drop and tears streaming down his face.

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