You think he is going to hit you

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Zayn: "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!! ALL YOU DO IS NAG NAG NAG!!!" Zayn yelled at you. "YEAH AND ALL YOU DO IS SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE!!" "Why do you always bring that up who cares if I smoke?!" "Me Zayn, when you say you are going to stop you never do!!" "It's hard to quit Y/n and you know that yourself!!" "How? I've never smoked?!!" "UGH JUST LEAVE IT WILL YOU?!!" He raised his hand to get his hair out of his face but I thought he was going to hit me so I covered my face and shut my eyes. When I didn't feel anything I opened my eyes and uncovered my face I stood face to face with him and he looked at me in disbelief. "Did you actually think I would hit you?" I shrugged. "DONT JUST SHRUG!!" "I DONT KNOW YOU JUST LOOKED ANGRY!!" Then I looked at the ground. "I can't even look at you right now." Then he went upstairs.

Liam: "Y/n are you cheating on me?!" I looked at him shocked. "Liam why would you even think that?!" "It's all over the papers and magazines!" "So you believe a piece of paper over me?!" "No of course not I just want the truth!" "No I'm not and I can't believe you would actually think I would!" "I DONT I JUST WANT THE TRUTH!!!" Then he picked up a plate and smashed it against the wall. He started walking toward me and I got scared "DONT HIT ME!!" I said covering my face and all heard was Liam's gasp.

Harry: "I just want to spend time with you Harry!" "Well I don't want to spend time with you!" I just stood there quietly. "Well thanks that makes me feel wanted!" "I MEAN IT!!" "You don't need to shout at me!" "I do because you never listen to me!!" "Ugh do you know what I don't want to fight with you!" "Well it's too late so your staying here until it's over!!" "i don't want to!!" "YOUR STAYING HERE WITH ME!!!" I froze when he started to come towards me so I started walking backwards. "Why are you walking away from me?" "Because your going to hit me?" He looked at me in disbelief "Why would you think that?!"

Louis: "You were with her again Louis?!" "SO WHAT!?" "You said you were going out with the boys but no you lied and went out with her!!" "Because I knew you wouldn't let me see her if I told you!!" "I would of let you but I just got suspicious when you lied and went out with Eleanor!!" "DONT YOU TRUST ME!!?" Oh great the yelling started. "OF COURSE I TRUST YOU LOUIS BUT YOU COULD OF JUST TOLD ME YOU WERE OUT WITH HER!!!" "STOP CALLING ELEANOR A HER SHE HAS A NAME!!" "WHO CARES?!!!" "Ugh just get out of my face I can't even look at you right now!" "Louis don't you want to talk about it?" "NO I JUST WANT YOU TO GET OUT OF MY FACE!!" Then he raised his hand to scratch his head but I thought he was going to hit me so I just stepped back. "Y/n I'm not going to hit you!" "You were it's happened before!" "WHAT?!!!" You realised what you said so you just ran up the stairs and locked your self in your room.

Niall: "Niall where are you going?" "Out with the boys!" "But your just back?!" "Yeah, so?" "Niall I want to spend time with you too you know?!" "Ugh Y/n I'm going out and I'll spend time with you tomorrow!!" "But what if I want to spend time with you today?!" "WELL I DONT WANT TO BE WOTH YOU TONIGHT!!" "FINE GO BUT DONT COME CRYING TO ME TOMORROW WHEN YOUR DYING OF A SORE HEAD!!" "Why do you always think I'll come home drunk?!" "Because you do!!" He stated to raise his hand coming towards me so I screamed and ran upstairs with Niall right behind me. "GET RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" He yelled behind me

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