Yo cant have kids part 2 -Harry

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It's been a week and Harry has still not turned up, you know that he said he isn't coming back but he has said that before and he always came back after an hour or two. You decided to leave knowing that Harry will never love you again so you started packing. When you were in the middle of packing you heard the front door open. "Y/n are you still here?!" "Yeah I am but I'm leaving soon!" Then you heard his footsteps running upstairs. "What do you mean your leaving?!" "I can't give what you want Harry, you want a child when I can't give you one so I don't see why I should stay when I'm not the one for you!" "You are the one for me just because you can't have a child doesn't mean that we can't adopt or get a surrogate!" "Are you sure that's what you want?" "Positive ill do anything to have a child with you and I won't stop till I have a child with you." You had the biggest smile on your face and you gave Harry the biggest hug.

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