He hits you

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Niall: "Niall I didn't cheat on you how many times and I certainly wouldn't cheat on you with Louis he has Eleanor (or Harry lol) and they are very happy together and this rumour could ruin both of our relationships!" "Yeah like I'm going to believe that Y/n I know your cheating on me!!" "Do you not trust me or something?!" "No I don't actually because I know your just using me!!" "Do you know what why are you blaming me for cheating when for all I know you could be cheating on me!!" "I WILL NEVER DO THAT TO YOU!!" "THEN WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULD NIALL HUH!!? MAYBE YOUR ARE THE ONE CHEATING ME AND YOUR BLAMING ME BECAUSE YOUR TO SCARED TO ADM-" I got cut off by a slap on the cheek. "Don't you EVER say I'm the one cheating on you again GOT IT!!" I just nodded to scared to do anything else. He then slapped me again and pushed me to the wall. "You know I'll never hurt you!" "WELL YOU JUST DID THREE TIMES!!" "AND DONT SHOUT AT ME!!" Then he slapped me and flung me down to the ground. "Niall why are you doing this?!" "SHUT UP. YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF!!" Then he started punching and kicking me. A few minutes later he stopped and walked away to the couch. I tried to get up but he stopped me. "Don't even bother moving or I'll do worse to you!!" "What if the boys come and see me like this?" "Then your just going to tell them that you decided to sit on the floor Instead of the couch." He said like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Yeah that won't make them think I'm weird(!)" "WHAT WAS THAT?!!" "Nothing." you just wanted him to stop shouting at you. "You better tell what you said right now or I swear I'll-" "You'll what?!" I suddenly felt strong and confident for a second and trust me that's the worst thing right now and by the look on his face I swear if his evil looks can kill I swear I'll have blood pouring out of me. "Well look who suddenly got all confident!" He smiled at me and it looked quite scary. He suddenly pulled me up with that smile wiped off his face and pulled me up the stairs with my hair. "Niall stop your hurting me!" "Oh am I? That'll will teach you not to cheat on me with Louis!!" "We were getting you a present for your birthday!!" He stopped and let go of my hair. He looked at me in shock then his eyes went dark again. "My birthday was last week!!" I suddenly looked at him with my face full of fear. "Niall I swear to god I'm not cheating on you with Louis!!" You were backing away from him when he took steps towards you. "Well you shouldn't have lied to me!!" He was about to grab me when I made a run for it down stairs. "GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!" I was trying to run as fast as my legs can carry me to the door we live in such a big house. "No because your going to hurt a pregnant woman and she's probably not pregnant anymore!!" Then I heard his footsteps stop. "Your pregnant?" You nodded. "ITS NOT MINE!!" "OF COURSE ITS YOURS WHY WOULD I CHEAT ON YOU WITH MY OWN STEP-BROTHER?!!!" "Louis' your step brother?!" "Yes my dad is married to his mum!" "Then why weren't you at the wedding?" "Because I was hiding from people because of the bruises you left me." He looked down sadly. "Plus I didn't think Louis wanted me there he doesn't really like me very much!" "Why?" "Because I'm with you he knows what you do to me and e knows I'm pregnant!" "Why didn't you tell me he was your brother?!" "He doesn't want anyone to know I'm related to him. Out of the rest of the boys and Harry your the only people who know because as you know Harry and Louis tell each other everything. And then Louis told me to get an abortion and I said I'll think about it because I didn't know how you'll react and if I did he'll tell the world I'm his sister but another thing if I did I have to break up with you which I don't want to happen because I love you but I know you might not love me now so I'll just abort the baby!" I was about to walk out the door then I felt a hand on my arm. "No. don't leave I'll die and I want to have the baby with you I love you too and I promise I'll never hurt you again and I'm sorry I accused you of cheating. Please forgive me!" i sighed and went "Ok if you promise you'll never hurt me again I'll stay and keep the baby but can you please talk to Louis?" He nodded rapidly. Then he walked up to you and gave you a hug. Then the next day Niall talked to Louis and he apologised and you became a real brother and sister. Then nine months you and Niall had a beautiful girl called Lauren.

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