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clinomania (noun)

an excessive desire to stay in bed.


Zero finally awoke just as the day neared the afternoon. He stirred on the bed which seemed way too comfortable to be his own - and when his eyes had adjusted to the bright rays of the sun pouring into the room through the blinds, his doubts were confirmed. He wasn't in his room. However, he'd been here before - a long time ago. From the numerous anime posters scattered across the walls, he knew he was in his best friend's home. 

He smiled to himself at the thought of Chase having carried him all the way there and was just about to climb out of bed when he noticed that his forearm felt uncomfortably bare. 

He swallowed nervously. 

Once he had forced his gaze down to his arm, it was like his worst nightmare had suddenly become reality. 

Chase knew. 

He found himself unable to move. His mind was crowded with a cacophony of thoughts as he simply sat there, staring down at his arm - which was now coated with numerous band-aids. On the table beside the bed was a gel meant to reduce swelling and irritation, a few cotton swabs with dried blood still on them, a disinfectant and an empty band-aid box.

Had Chase done all this for him?

Along with the above mentioned items was another item sitting underneath all of them. A sheet of paper, it seemed like. 

Zero reached out for the paper and carefully pulled it out from underneath all the items without disturbing them and read out the words in his head. 

Good morning/afternoon, 

I had no idea when you would wake up but I decided to let you sleep for as long as you wanted. I carried you here last night because you fell asleep on my shoulder and I didn't know where you lived. I've made breakfast for you, it's still in the microwave, you can re-heat it if you'd like, but I expect to see an empty plate when I'm home. Speaking of which, I've gone out to get a few things from the pharmacy. When I get home, I want to talk to you. Please don't go anywhere.

Love, Chase. (if you couldn't already tell from the anime posters)


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