9K 535 99

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are,

I'd like to thank all of you for supporting this story! I didn't think it'd be possible to get past even fiVe HuNDrEd reAdS but here we are at almost 2k omfg. Thank you from the deepest darkest tINIEST bottom of my heart. 

AND AGAIN if anyone's facing any problems, please feel free to message me whenever. I'd give out my Instagram username but I'm a big clown (actually scratch that, i'm the entire circus haha) and I lost my account B-) i know, hats off to me.

I'm more active on Wattpad anyway so you guys can just message me here. 

Once again before I end this note, I'd like to thank all of you for the second time. You have no idea how much your support means to me <3 

Finally, I hope you guys are staying safe given the current world situation :( I really hope everything goes back to normal soon (except school hahaha pls) because I want to gO OUTSIDE SO BAD SMH. 

And is it just me or do I get really hecking paranoid everytime I cough/sneeze? LIKE i know it could be my allergies but still.

That's all for now! Thank you again (for the third time uwu) I love all of you 😤 like ugh have all of these hearts rfn 💘💕💖💝💕💖💜💗💖💝💗❤️💜💝💕💜💗💖💝💝💕💖

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