Chapter 1- The Morgue

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"Susie," I hear Gramma's voice bounce off the walls of my new living room.

"Gramma my name isn't Susie it's Kenzi. For crying out loud you're the one who picked my name," I yell sitting on the cold, hard ground of my new living room floor. In a house a girl my age, seventeen, killed herself in. When I think about it a cold chill runs down my spine.

All of a sudden Gramma run in with, cane in hand, "Run, run, Susie, there's a burglar in the bathroom."

As I set my laptop on the the living room floor, I stand up, And walk Gramma back through the dark, mysterious hallway. In the bathroom there's a porcelain toilet, bathtub, and sink. Across from the sink is a shower with no curtains, but it has a blurred door so that will have to do. Next too the toilet there are two full sized mirrors. As I stand in one Grams stands in the other.

"N-now th-there are two," Gramma stutters, pointing at our reflections.

"Gramma are you off your meds again, the doctor won't be happy about this," I ask calmly bending down so I'm eye-level with her.

"I don't know I can't find them," she yells, as she does an old lady scoot away.

I walk back through the hallway, to go get my laptop and find a bedroom, someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a huge walk-in closet. The person, I'm guessing a guy, is strong, and has an arm around my waist. He puts a cloth wet with drugs over my mouth, so that I have to breath it in. The last thing or person I see is a tall, pale figure with brown hair and bih baby blue eyes, that I personally find creepy, shoving my laptop, my cell phone a notebook and stacks of twenty dollar bills.

The man that has a cloth to my mouth must have thought I was unconscious, 'cause he gently laid me on the floor.

"Jace hurry up those drugs don't last long, you of all people should know this," the man said to, who I assumed to be, Jace.

I saw my opportunity to escape. I got on all fours and started crawling crawling to the open door, I tried to be as small as I could be, which was small, I was even five feet tall nor did I weigh over a hurndred pounds.

"She escaping, Alec!" Crap! I thought as I stood up and ran as fast as I could.

Oh, thank God I was on the undefeated track team at my old school, in New York City.

But, boy, was Jace fast he was on my heals in a matter of milliseconds. I turned a corner the lead to the stairs. I climb them tripping on almost every step. I made it to the top in one piece, though. Jace was literally right behind me. I turned and ran into the closest room, and slam the door, in his face.

"Open the door, Kenzi. Or I'll break it down," I hear Jace yell on the other side of the door. I hear his fist pound on the wooden door.

I run to the other side of the empty room, and frantically try open the the window, my hand slipping every now and then,from the sweat on them.

I hear the door beginning to break down.

"What do you want?!" I yell as he walks twords me slow, for a dramtic effect.


"What about, Ian he can be of use to you," I offered, even though me and my brother were really close.

"Well, you see, I can't do that," my eyes widened.

"Why not!"

Three reasons, Kitten, reason nummber one, he's not here. Reason two, you already know to much. And finally guys never cooperate," Jace said, as his usual smirk creeped on his face. Gosh I haven't even known him for a day and yet I knew that smirk was always on his flawless face.

I turn and sprint twords the window. I unhook the latch with shaking hands, and push it open.

Don't jump, Kenzi. You're one the third floor you'll die!

No I won't theres a latter build onto the side of the house. I look over and there it was. I climbed down the latter and was at the bottom in three seconds, litterally, no joke.

"Kenzi, get up here now!" Jace yelled leaning out the window.

I looked up. Terrified. He began to climb down slowly. He was afraid of heights. I laughed once and ran for my life, my young, young life. By the time I was at the road, he was finally at the bottom. He was running twords me, fast. Like his life depended on it, it probly did.

I turned around and I saw my new neighbor's house. As i started across,the road. Jace wrapped his arm around my waist.

"See you can't escape me, ever," he whispered in my ear.

"L-let me go, know I-I'll do anything. P-please?" I begged.

"Too late, should have begged before you knew anything," he shoved a blue cloth over my mouth. It was wet. I struggled trying to pry his fingers away as my eyes grew heavier and heavier.

"You're cute when your angry," he said as a tear rolled out of right eye, others threatening to fall.


I awoke on a cold, hard, metal tabel. As I sat up I saw familiar bright blue eyes with a familiar cocky smirk. Jace.

"Ugh!" I flopped back down on the very comfortable table. Note the sarcasm.

"Nice to sees you, too, Kitten," hid cocky smirk turning even more cocky, if that was even possible.

"I hate you!" I yelled.

"We can save our loving reunion for later," his large, rough hand grabbed my small, delicate wrist, pulling me off the table.

My legs went numb and I fell towards Jace,who caught me, with one arm, and pulled inward towards his chest. "Careful, Kitten," Jace whispered in my ear.

He began pulling me towards the exit.

"Why did you kidnap me?"

"That's a story for some other time."

"Where in hell are you taking me now?!"

"We are going to a magical land," there was that cocky grin, again. Shocker there. I look at him with a 'what did you just say' look. He looked down, "I'm kidding. We're going to my house."

We finally reached the doors. Jace pushed them open, the cold air sent a chill running down my spine. Parked out front there was his sports car. He probably stole it, I thought,

"Get in," he said harshly, it made me flinch. Way to sugar coat it.

"Nah, I'm fine right here," I said as I did his cocky grin. And, boy, was he mad.

"Do you wanna end up back in there?" he asked nodding towards the building we just left. I turned around, seeing a huge sign labled THE MORGUE.

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