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Hey Lovelies I am here with the new part hope you all are enjoying... please keep voting

Love you... 


She was going to catch a taxi after office... And suddenly someone.. Block her way...

One poor girl came and hold Naina's wrist very tightly not letting her go...when she tried to escape the girl again ... hold her.. 

Naina - Ahh ! Hey Leave my hand who are you .... just leave me... who are you ... what have I done...

?? - No I won't leave you till you forgive me..

Naina - Just leave it's hurting .. and what have you done to me that you are asking for forgiveness.

Naina it's me ..... you really forgot me ... please forgive me... and after that she started crying ...

Naina was confused remembering the familiar voice... but she wasn't confident about the person.

Listening to the voice of Naina many crowd gathered there and then she saw the face of the person.

She was shocked seeing the person... She didn't expect the person to be seen here.. 

Within a few minutes .... people started to gathered around them ...

Naina - Jiahe...... (in a whispering voice)

She couldn't believe on her eyes because she never imagined to see Jiahe again and the worst part in the present condition in which she was standing before Naina... Yes she was now the beggar... her clothes were torn and she was seriously looking like a mental patient who run away from the cage.. 

While the crowd was forwarding towards her to beat Jiahe.. and within a time ... she came to reality and protect Jiahe from the crowd who was coming to beat her... 

Naina-  Hey stop stop ... Please don't beat her ... she hasn't done anything wrong ... It was me  I can't recognize her ... I Know her ..... Please.. sorry for bothering you all...Naina bowed to the crowd...  Please  i will handle her.

Then crowd left the two girls their.

Jia was hiding behind Naina ... and when she looked that now there was no one to beat ... she relaxed.. Naina ... turned and was hurt to see her ex-best friend to see like this... 

Yes ex because she didn't want to recall that memory which she tried forgot years before so that she could fight with the outside world... but now the past was replaying in front of her.

Naina- Jia... you in this condition.... what happen... How ... 

Jia couldn't say a word rather than sorry..... she was crying continuously ... 

Though Naina was didn't forgot the behavior Jiahe done with Naina.. but no matter she just lost her track when she left Naina for others... and she knew she isn't bad girl.. 

Naina thought to take at the safe place first and have food... because she was looking like she hasn't eaten for many days.... She can't take to her apartment in this condition...  so she called Chan for the help... 

Chan already know what Jiahe did to Naina  and  he was very angry... ...and Naina didn't took her name when she called Chan... for the help.

After few minutes Chan arrived and came out of the car... Seeing Naina with a poor girl he was confused that what Naina is doing with her .. and who is she... 

Chan- Naina what happen .. you were sounding very stressed on the phone .. is everything okay ... and who is this girl and why she is crying.... 

Naina- relax Chan.... everything will be clear first we need to find a good place .... 

Chan- what and why .. who is she and why are you showing sympathy towards this girl who is she..?

Naina- Chan ... i said you that you will understand ... she her condition she haven't ate for so may days.... Plus I can't leave  her as I want many answers... 

Chan- okay... 

Chan took them to his secret place .. which is his house...

Chan- Come...

Naina- Where are we Chan...?

Chan- Naina   It's My house ... I was living with other members... so i hardly visit the place... and it's secret pone..

Naina- Okay ... Come  

Naina took Jiahe inside while Chan switch on the lights... Naina told Jiahe to clean her self and asked Chan to order food .. for them ... as she was really very hungry....

Chan gave his long sweat shirt and a short pant to Naina so she gave to the girl.. Naina just smiled... and gave clothes to Jiahe.

Their was complete silence as they both waiting for the girl to come out.. Naina's mind was full of questions...  and Chan was sad seeing Naina... because she really look hurt... yes tears were in her eyes... 

Then there the girl came.. and Chan was the first one to see and he was shocked seeing her... and stand... Naina grabs the attention toward Chan... she found him looking other side so Naina also saw in that direction.. 

No doubt Chan face was really red and he was boiling from inside see Jiahe and knowing that Naina help this girl.. 


After listening all this Jiahe already ... burst into tears.. 

Niana- CHAN  .. MIND YOUR LANGUAGE .... AND WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TALK LIKE THIS WITH A GIRL..  It doesn't matter if you like  the girl or not why are you hurting yourself and  being bad by abusing ... her ..and  if you are asking me to why did I help her then listen .. I did it because I want my questions answer which are hurting and stinging sharply me here from many years.. (she said while pointing her heart).. What you think Chan It's not hurting me ... what she has done to me ...

 Naina burst out her pain and sat down on the sofa ...putting one hand on her head.. and crying.. 

Being concern and friend of Naina he brought water for Naina and said to calm down otherwise she will get ill... Jiahe was still standing there.. watching every activity.

Chan - Naina.... don't waste your tears for such person... They will never value you ... actually it's not the  fault of her ... it's your fault that you loved and care her like sister... and still do... ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ... SEE NAINA LIKE THIS... 

Jia - I am sorry ... 

Chan- Ohh please keep your crocodile tears with you ... we all know what you have done.... with her ... okay so please.... don't try to hurt her again otherwise you will surely pay for this..

Jia- Sorry Naina.. *sobs* I am really very very sorry..*sob* Jia was crying and begging to Naina

Naina was also angry ..with Jiahe .but she was waiting for her answers which have been in her mind and heart from many years...


So what you all thing.. what turn will the story take... what is  the  new plan of Jiahe.. why she again come in Naina's life..Jiahe ... who once throw Naina out to die... not cared for her why she came now and what with that condition...

Think and share your view what you think .. about Jiahe... 

Stay at home, safe and healthy.

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