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After Tony's party, the two of you stayed in touch. You always went over to his house and the two of you just drank and talked. He would flirt with you here and there, but nothing too serious. You talked to him about your ex-boyfriend, about your family, everything. He was always showing you his new inventions and even flew you around the city in his suit. You enjoyed spending time with Tony, despite what people said about him. He made you happy.


After meeting in the cafe, you and steve exchanged numbers that day. He said he wanted help with his new phone. The next day you both met up at the same cafe and showed him how to work his cellphone. It was funny to watch him poke around with things. You helped him download music and showed him how to take pictures.

You even helped him set up an Instagram account. After a while, you both got more comfortable with each other. He liked to post literally everything on his Instagram. One day you were surprised to see that he had posted a picture the two of you took in a park. Of course, the caption was filled with tons of hashtags.


It was hard for you and Thor to spend time together, seeing as he's from Asgard. He doesn't have a cellphone and doesn't know how to use any type of electronic. So you showed him where you lived and hoped he would remember. Thankfully, he did. He would come to your home every time he visited Earth.

The days you weren't home, you would leave a note under the doormat, telling him where you would be so he could find you. Your coworkers had gotten used to Thor always loudly coming in and they liked him just as much as you did. But, he had a soft spot only for you.


    After you returned to New York, you called up Bruce, letting him know you were moving back. He offered you a job with him at the Avengers headquarters. You were shocked to hear that he was now an Avenger, but you quickly accepted his job offer. You worked with him in his lab, helping him conduct experiments.

You weren't as smart as him, but you did your best to help him out. You saw Bruce mostly every day. You've seen him hulk out a few times when you both were in high school. Whenever he would get stressed out with work, you would crack jokes and do fun things with him to calm him down.


           You learned that the man who caused all the destruction was named Bucky. That day, the avengers came and took you both back to their building. Bruce checked up on you and gave you ice for your head. Turns out, the day everything went wrong, you had ran away from home. You were mistreated by your family and had enough of the physical and emotional abuse.

When Steve Rogers came to check on you, he asked if you needed help getting back home. You explained to him that you couldn't go back there. So, he let you stay with him and everyone else. You got along with just about everyone, but Bucky was too scared to talk to you. But, whenever he saw you, he got this warm feeling inside of him. Sometimes you would find small flowers in your room.


         After meeting you, Loki had visited earth more often. He no longer had to stay in a room and was allowed to wander around. So, he liked to follow you around as you worked. He easily distracted you from your work by asking you questions about yourself. He liked to show you his magic and tell you things about Asgard. He even told stories of him and Thor as children. You found yourself falling for him more and more every day.

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