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*refers back to the last chapter*

           Since you and Tony aren't too big on labels, he never actually officially asked you to be his girlfriend. You guys just act like a couple and do couple things together. But if anyone ever asks him, he'll tell them that you are his girlfriend.


           Steve took you on a romantic date. He's still a bit old fashioned, so when he picked you up from your house, he bought you flowers. He took you to see a movie and then a diner afterward. Then you both took a stroll through central park and then finally, he dropped you off back home. And we walked you to your door and that's when he asked you.


             Thor just flat out asked you randomly. You were both watching tv at your house when you noticed he kept looking at you.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked him.

"Lady Y/N, I would like to ask you, if you would do the honor of being my girlfriend?"

You blushed and crawled into his lap. "Of course I will." You said, laying flat on his chest. He wrapped both arms around you, kissing the top of your head.


             Bruce has been wanting to ask you to be his girlfriend for a while. He was very nervous to ask you, so he asked Tony for help.

"Okay, when she comes in here. Just tell her how you feel. Simple." Bruce stared at Tony like he had two heads. Tony took a bit out of his apple, "literally, what is the issue here?"

"What do I tell her?"

"Tell her how you feel about her!" Tony said, getting frustrated. The two went back and forth, bickering about how Bruce should talk to you. Then, you entered the room.

"What's all this yelling about?" You said, folding your arms. They immediately stopped and brought their attention.

"Big guy over doesn't know how to ask you to be his girlfriend."

"Tony!" Bruce yelled. Tony cursed at himself, completely forgetting he wasn't supposed to mention anything to you. You instantly started smiling and walked over to Bruce.

"Is that true?" You asked.

"I- well, uh."He cleared his throat. "Yes."

You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." Bruce kissed you while he wrapped his arms around your waist. The kiss didn't last long though, you both stopped when you heard chewing in the background. You broke apart and turned to face tony.



         Overtime, Bucky had gotten used to being around you. You guys hung out quite often, even outside of the tower. Everyone in the tower shipped you guys together, except for Steve. Steve was a little overprotective of Bucky, and yet, he was also overprotective of you. He didn't you to get hurt in any way. But, he still supported the both of you.

Bucky asked you out, in front of the whole team. He was very nervous and he felt if he had everyone there with him, he would have all the support he needs. He got down on one knee and took your hand in his. You were kinda expecting him to propose to you or something, but instead, he told you his feelings and then ended it with.

"Will be my girlfriend?"

You quickly said yes.


          You were confused if Loki liked you or not. After the night you shared your feelings for Loki, he hasn't shown any sign of interest towards you. Sure, he still hangs around you, but he acts if you guys are only friends. But then, there would be some days when he would flirt with you and sometimes kiss you. It made you very confused. So you decided to take it upon yourself and go ask Thor for advice.

You enter the living room of the tower, where Thor was sitting, eating a pop tart. "Thor?"

He turned his head and smiled at you."Lady Y/N? It is nice to see you." He said.

"I need your help."You walked over to him, sitting down beside him.

"What can I assist you with, my lady?"

"Do you know if Loki likes me or not?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I believe so. He's told me his feelings for you. Has he not told you?"

You sighed. "No. It's like he's avoiding the topic. I want to be more than friends with him, but I don't know how to bring it up. "

Thor thought for a moment. Then without a word, he got up and left. You sat there confused, as you watched him rush down a hallway. You sat alone for a few minutes before you heard voices approaching.

"Brother, what could be so urgent that you had to drag me down here?" You looked and saw Thor dragged Loki by his arm.

"You are causing Lady Y/N unnecessary stress. Tell her how you feel brother, just like you told me." Loki looked over at you. He came over to where you were and helped you up.

"You could have just asked me, you know." He said, mischievously.

"I didn't know how." You claimed. He chuckled and put a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Y/N, you are a very extraordinary person. I love spending time with you every day and seeing your smile is always the highlight of my day."

He paused for a moment, before glancing over at Thor. Who in return, gave him a thumbs up. He looked back at you before taking a deep breath.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

You blushed, "of course, Loki." You said, leaning up and giving him a kiss.

While you guys kissed, Thor stood back and just smiled. "Excellent." He whispered to himself, before leaving the room.

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