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You were already apart of the team. You didn't have any powers, but like Natasha, you were a skilled and trained assassin. You were in the lab with everyone when Thor brought Vision to life. You both were already seemingly close when he was Jarvis. So nothing really changed for the two of you. Well, besides the fact that he was alive now.


You spent time with vision showing him the ways of life. Basically teaching him how to be human. Your favorite thing to do together was cook. Neither of you were very good at it, so you told him to pick a recipe out of a cookbook and you both would figure out how to make it together.


                  "Y/N?" You jumped a little when you suddenly heard a familiar voice come from behind you

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"Y/N?" You jumped a little when you suddenly heard a familiar voice come from behind you. You quickly turned around to see Vision standing in the middle of your room.

"Vision, didn't I tell you to knock? It's not nice to come in unannounced." You reminded him.

"My apologies. I have just come to ask you a question." You stood up from your bed and happily walked over to him.

"What's up?"

He hesitated for a moment. "I have been thinking and I do enjoy spending time with you. And I was wondering if we could maybe expand our friendship?"

You looked at him confused. "Expand our friendship?"

"I would like to go on what you people call, a date. With you. Unless you wish to not because according to my research, a date is when two people who have feelings towards eachoth- ."

You cut him off, chuckling. "Vis, I would love to go on a date with you." He smiled down at you.

"Does this mean we hug now? Or is that too fast-paced?"

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