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I miss her :,(

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I miss her :,(

Name, age, and looks are totally up to you :)


You wouldn't really say there is anything unique about your personality. You're just, you. You're kinda awkward but you've got a great sense of humor. Let's just say you're not like the other girls.


Parents Your whole life it's just been you and your Mom. Your Dad passed away when you were just a baby, so you never really got to know him. Your Mom doesn't really talk about him anymore, but your aunt (your dad's sister) would tell you stories of him all the time. You know it's hard on your mom still after all these years, so you try to be there for her as much as you can. Which has brought the two of you closer.

Siblings Unfortunately, you have no siblings. You do have an older cousin, named Conner, who you are close with.

Friends You have a few friends. They're not people you talk to on the daily, but you consider them a friend.


You dated a nice guy named Flynn. He was a sweet guy. Really charming, always made sure to take good care of you. But, you just had a feeling he wasn't what you wanted. After a few months of dating, you realized you were bisexual, but leaned more towards girls. You told him this and he understood and said he was happy for you. After your breakup you guys remained friends.

You dated a girl named Isabella for a year. She was your first girlfriend and she helped you realized what you wanted in life. The bad thing was, her family didn't necessarily approve of the two of you dating. Well, they knew she was dating a girl but they didn't know it was you. She kept you a secret for as long as she could before breaking up with you. Your were upset, but you understood. She wanted you to wait for her and you told her you would wait as long as you could. But she wasn't happy with that answer. The last time you saw her, you both got into a big fight. You haven't seen or heard from her since.


You were a very hyper child. Your Mother had to keep a close eye on you, otherwise you would cause all sorts of chaos. Besides that, being a kid was easy.

Being a teenager on the other hand, was different. The older you grew, the more quieter you got. You didn't have a single clue what you wanted to do with your life. You just went through high school going with the flow. You had average grades, average friends, average family. Just an average life all around. You craved excitement. You wanted to go on adventures and road trips with friends. But, there was none of that.


You would say your life is overall, so much better. Everyday there is something new and exciting for you and her to do or talk about. Her friends are your friends. The Avengers are like a second family to you. Before you were just cooped up in your room, binge watching shows and eating take out almost everyday. And now you're dating an Avenger. And a pretty badass one too. Being with Natasha has opened your eyes to new things. You couldn't ask for anything greater. She's everything you need in life, all in one.

Twitter banned my account because apparently I don't meet the age requirement but I AM 16! The age requirement is 13 and up. I am outraged. I made a new account tho and I like it way better than my old one, but i'm still mad about it (ò_óˇ)

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